The Deal

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The sun peeks over the horizon, which brings a stunning view of Gangnam from an apartment window, but whoever lives there isn't watching.  A thumping noise echos through the walls and amongst all the expensive furniture that sits in this high rise home, Park Jimin is running on a treadmill, with the TV on mute in the background and reading a manuscript which is balanced on the top of the machine. He sprints as the clock on his treadmill goes to zero, and then hits a button to stop it from running. 

On the other side of the city, an alarm clock blares out and a hand comes up to shut it up. It ends up falling off the bed side cabinet and crashing to the carpeted floor with one last shout. Min Yoongi sits up and looks around to figure out where he is. He is covered in pink satin sheets, and spots multiple framed pictures of the same male model on the walls. He grunts and tiredly swings his legs over the edge of the bed and looks down at the clock laying right side up on the floor. Once his eyes focus on the digital red numbers, he curses and jumps out of bed almost falling over from the sudden movement. Unfortunately for him, he is very hung over. 

"Where are my clothes?" He looks around in panic, trying to locate all of his missing clothing.

A blob beneath the sheet next to him answers. "In the kitchen. I think. Can I make you some coffee?"

Yoongi turns to look at the man  and smirks to himself feeling slightly proud that he had managed to score a night with him. Soobin is the same model that is printed on the walls, and is really, really hot. 

"Sorry, I gotta go. I'm late." Yoongi hurries out of the room, trying to find his own way to the kitchen and spots his socks on a butchers block next to an empty wine bottle. His shoes are in the sink, and he finds his pants on the floor and hurriedly puts them on. "Have you seen my belt?" He calls loud into the open door to the bedroom.

Soobin looks around and sees the belt tied to his headboard. "In here." He unties the complicated knot and Yoongi comes back in the room half dressed.

He swallows a little throw-up. "Baby, I just can't do this anymore." Yoongi hurriedly gets dressed as he talks. "You're just too much for me. And I'm just another guy too wrapped up in his job."

Soobin frowns watching Yoongi frantically run around his bedroom. "Fine. Whatever. Just go."

Yoongi pauses for a second and sits down on the edge of the mattress and locks eyes with Soobin. "Let's not end it like that. It's been an amazing three and a half weeks. Thank you. And you should know that you have the nicest ass I've ever been with."

Soobin can't fight the smile off his face, and feels oddly satisfied by the way Yoongi compliments him. "You mean it?"

"I do. It's magnificent."

"I work really hard on it."

"I know you do."

Soobin smiles and begins to seductively pull the sheets off his naked body, but Yoongi shakes his head 'no' and smiles sweetly. "I really gotta go."

Back inside Jimin's apartment everything's a lot more calm. He pulls his slim arms through the sleeves of a black suit jacket, and walks over to his floor length mirror to make sure it looks perfect and neat.  He smiles a satisfactory smile at his reflection before walking away to head into his kitchen. He pours out a bowl of Oats and soy milk and leans back against the marbled kitchen counter still reading the manuscript. His eyes remain glued to the reading as he rinses out his bowl and puts it in the dishwasher. His apartment is very quiet. 

He leaves his apartment and heads over to the elevator, pressing the button to go down while he unlocks his mobile phone. The lift doors open and Jimin strides towards the exit and a uniformed Doorman pulls and holds the large glass entrance open so Jimin can walk through. Before Jimin reaches the door however, his cellphone rings as he clicks the answer button and places it up against his left ear. 

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