Meeting The Family

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Yoongi and Jimin sit in First Class in a commercial jet as it takes off and leaves South Korea behind. The pair have their laptops on their laps, Jimin typing away rapidly and Yoongi working on his work a little more leisurely. 

 Yoongi looks up away from the bright screen in front of him. "Um. Shouldn't we talk about what we're going to say to my parents?" 

Jimin doesn't look up, annoyed with the question. "Are you done with the press release?"


Jimin speaks with a patronizing tone in his voice. "Well let's finish big people business before mummy and daddy talk. Okay?"

Dejected, Yoongi goes back to work.

As they they change from a plane to a bus in Manila, Jimin walks quickly and talks on the phone. Still the assistant, Yoongi lags behind, weighed down by both their bags. Up ahead at the gate, a gate attendant announces final boarding to Sagada. 

Jimin gets off his phone. "So what do I need to know up there? Bullet points?"

"I told them we've been dating for six months. We've kept it a secret from everyone..." Under his breath he mumbles, "...and that you're a naughty minx in the sack." 

Yoongi and Jimin make it to the attendant at the coach gate. 

Jimin is not amused by Yoongi's attempt at humor, and with a venomous tone he says, "Don't make me hate you." He then hands his coach ticket to the attendant and breezes through.

The attendant turns to Yoongi, surprised and gives him a look. "Bringing him home to meet my folks. He's flustered." He lies, struggling to find his coach ticket as he's tangled in the luggage. The impatient attendant is getting frustrated and Yoongi tries to ease her down. "I've got it here. Sorry. Guess I'm a little flustered too. Haven't been home for awhile, hope they like him!"

The gate attendant smiles, having heard it all. "I don't care, sir."

Yoongi finds his coach ticket and hands it over. "Okay then. You're a sweet lady. Thanks." Yoongi hustles to the coach as they shut the doors.

Jimin takes his seat and sits next to a well dressed handsome man who is reading a book. He notices the title and the stranger catches his stare.

Jimin explains. "I'm sorry, I hate it when people stare at what I'm reading. It's just... I worked on that book."

"You wrote it?"

"Edited it. It was one of my favourites."

"Well you did a good job. It's great."

"You don't see many guys with that book. You, uh, read a lot of love stories about Roman concubines?"

"My ex-girlfriend gave it to me. I travel a lot for work. I'll read anything..."

Jimin stares at him suspiciously. "Ex-girlfriend, huh?"

Smiling, the handsome man flushes, embarrassed. "Okay, you got me. I'm a closet romantic. But let's keep that between us."

Jimin smiles and makes the 'my lips are sealed' motion. Just then, Yoongi lumbers onto the coach with the bags. "There you are. Give me my laptop."

Yoongi untangled the bags and gives Jimin his computer bag. He notices the book in the strangers hands and comments, "Hey, he's reading..."

"I know, Yoongi."

Yoongi turns around and puts the bags in the overhead compartment. 

Then handsome man turns to Jimin. "Did you two want to sit together?"

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