A Spark

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Jimin runs at a fast pace deep in the woods. He's running hard, muttering to himself, and working out the aggression he's accumulated over the last thirty six hours. He's lost in his own world, until he sees smoke, and slows to a stop. 

"What now?" Jimin follows the smoke, and hears a mysterious drumbeat. He soon discovers a tremendous bonfire by the water, and a shaman dancing around it. He is dressed in a loin cloth, and wears a carved bear's head mask and tribal makeup. His belly shakes as he frantically moves around the fire. 

The shaman sings a song that sounds centuries old. Jimin hides behind a tree and stares at this man in a trance. He begins to yell at the fire and scream at the top of his lungs. Exhausted, he stops and catches his breath. He yells out again. "Jimin, welcome!"

 Jimin looks around. Maybe another Jimin is in the vicinity. 

"Come to me, Jimin of Seoul."

Nope, that's him. Jimin carefully steps out into the clearing.

"It is I, father Min." Sure enough, Gook is beneath all the makeup.

"What, ah, are you doing?" Jimin asks cautiously.

"My shaman Kevin told me to get out here and clear my head. As you know, things have been a little crazy around here. You should join me."

Jimin hesitates, "Ya know, I've got to get back."

"You closed minded southerners amuse me. Never willing to leave the nest and try something new."

"I'm a big fan of the nest."

Gook throws sand into the fire and it blazes higher. "Dance with me! You besmirch my ways if you deny my circle."

Worried he's going to really piss him off, Jimin relents. "Okay, okay. I 'accept your circle'."

Gook smiles and throws more sand into the fire. "Clear your mind and follow me." He begins dancing slowly, contorting his body.

Jimin follows, always a half step behind, and can't get into it. After a few moments, Jimin stops. "I'm gonna head back."

"We're not done."

"I think I am." Jimin begins to leave.

Gook calls after him. "Jimin?" Jimin stops and turns around. "I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. But I'm making an effort here. Don't leave now." Much to his chagrin, Jimin stays. Gook is pleased. "Thank you." He then goes back to his weird chanting and throws more sand on the fire to make it go higher and speeds up his dance. 

Jimin is getting better, but it is still painfully awkward. 

Gook keeps chanting and speeds up his dance. "Now you."

"Me what?"

"Whatever comes out, just chant. It is the way. You'll feel better."

"I can't..."

"Close your eyes. Chant." 

Jimin and Gook keep dancing. Jimin closes his eyes, but can't figure out what to say. 

"Chant!" Gook demands.

"I don't know any chants!"


Jimin lets out a guttural scream, and Gook freezes looking at Jimin. It's surprising he can make such a low noise. 


The drum beat continues.

They continue to dance, Jimin is getting into it. "...to the wall..." 

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