The Confession

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Du, Gook and Areum sit at a table next to the bar, with dumbstruck looks on their faces. Rosito mixes drinks and flips bottles when Yoongi runs up to them all, looking excited.

His father frowns. "What are you so God damn happy about?"

"What? Oh. Well, I'm, uh, going to see Jimin."


His mother seems just as shocked and starts protesting as well. "He violated you. We should report him."

"Who you gonna report him to, mum?" 

"Oh my God. He's got Stockholm syndrome."

"I don't have Stockholm syndrome. And he didn't violate me."

"What is going on, Yoongi?"

Yoongi slows down and explains to him mum. "I'm sorry I lied to you. That was an awful thing to do. But it took this weekend for me to see how funny, and screwed up and perfect Jimin is for me. I think he's... the one."

"But you already thought he was the one."

"No, I didn't. Not until he left."

"Really? Does he think that too?"

"I don't know. I've got to get to the airport and find out."

Du doesn't say anything, then breaks out into a smile thinking about how romantic this is. "He's going to stop Jimin from leaving! At the airport!"

"But I gotta hurry. His plane leaves any second. I might not make it."

Du is still caught up in the romance of it all, so doesn't leave any room for doubt. "He's not sure he's going to make it!"

Gook's temper snaps and the anger clearly shows on his face. "Are you buying this horse shit?"

"Oh, Gook!" Du slaps her husbands arm.

Yoongi just shakes his head. "I don't have time to explain this to you."

"Well then make some God-damn time. Cause I won't let you throw your life away for some guy."

"I don't care."

"Excuse me?" His father is getting angrier. 

"I don't care. I love you and want you to understand. But I'm not asking your permission here. I'm doing this."

"Oh, really?"

From behind them, Areum stands up and shouts. "Boys! Stop it! Stop it!" But suddenly, a look of panic flashes across her face. She grabs the table to steady herself, but pulls the table cloth, causing a loud crash. 

Gook and Yoongi run over. "Mum, are you okay?"

"I'm having a... I need to go to the hospital. Fast."

Jimin and Mr. Guk board the jet together. Jimin finds his seat in first class and discovers the Handsome Man from the bus journey before sitting nearby.

The man notices Guk and tuts. "Is this another gay assistant?"

Jimin doesn't say anything and takes his seat. 

Two coast guardsman carry Areum  on a gurney to their waiting helicopter. Gook, Yoongi and Du follow behind. They all pile into a large chopper and fly off.

An oxygen mask covers Areums face. Gook holds her hand, and Areum motions for Gook to come closer and he leans down. 

Gook sits up and shouts over the helicopter noise. "Yoongi! She has something she wants to say to us!"

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