Naked Accidents

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The Coco bar is a classic Filipino bar, decorated with lots of green plants and strings of neon lights. But tonight most of the patrons are women, with a few men sat by the bar or on the outside chairs. Everybody there is cheering for an oiled, toned, and bearded man in a tiny thong who gyrates to the beat of Prince's 'Sexy Motherfucker'. On stage with the dancer, Jimin tries not to look miserable in his novelty.

"Work it Heath!" Yoongi's mother, Du calls out. 

Gab-Do is there too, watching the show in amusement. "Is that a salmon down your pants?" 

The room laughs as Heath works his crotch millimeters away from Jimin's face. 

Jimin remains straight faced however. "Definitely not a salmon." 

The audience encourage Heath on as he moves Jimin's hands to his wiggling ass and gives him a feel. Jimin can't help but give an embarrassed smile. Finally, the song ends and Heath goes into the splits. Thrilled, the room gives him a standing ovation. Jimin plays along and gives Heath a kiss on the cheek, ready to get off the stage, but the exotic dancer stops him by grabbing his hand.

"Ah, ah, ah. I was just the warm up." Heath sits Jimin down, and blindfolds him with a scarf.

"What's going on?"

"Just sit there dear." Grandman Areum encourages. 

The MC talks through a microphone, and Jimin jumps at the sudden loud voice not knowing it was coming as he couldn't see a thing. "Don't be shy people, tip well and often, show Heath how much you appreciate his assets! And now... Rosito!"

The room goes silent as a middle aged man comes to the stage. He has a pot belly, threadbare thong and a thin mustache. Rosito's dance has a Latin theme to it, and he's very good at it. 

Jimin is oblivious. "What's that smell?" Jimin finally takes off his blindfold, and finds Rosito about an inch away from his face. He screams falling out of his chair, frightening the new dancer. After the initial scare Rosito composes himself and wags his finger at Jimin's naughty behaviour. 

"You are a naughty devil." Rosito gets to work on another part of the stage, and when he turns, Jimin jumps off the platform and joins the audience. 

"Good lord."

"Rosito was the only male dancer on the island for years. No one has the heart to tell him to hang it up." Areum explains to a startled Jimin.

"Want me to do it?"

"Thank you dear, but let's keep it our secret."

Back at the Min estate, there is about twenty men gathered, wearing short sleeves and hitting golf balls into the ocean. Green pontoon rafts bob in the water, made up to look like golf greens. Golf balls are stacked in pyramid formations at every hitting area. Yoongi comes down from the house to join the group and sees his father joking with Mr. Mendoza - a good natured, sixty year old man - as they hit balls. 

"...Yeah, Du found these eco-balls that dissolve in the water." Gook explains to the older man.

"How does she come up with this shit?"

"She just does. I stopped trying to figure out how."

Gook and Mr. Mendoza sees Yoongi coming their way. Mr. Mendoza yells at Yoongi like the old family friend he is, joking. "I'm mad at you, son!"

Yoongi smiles as he comes over to them. "Why's that, Mr. Mendoza?"

"You fly down here and don't call me?"

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