Want You Back

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Later on in the evening, Yoongi grabs all the pillows, cushions and blankets he can find to create himself a makeshift bed on the floor. 

Jimin turns out the lights, leaving the room still bright from all the island lights and setting sun. He gets into the bed. "I'm never gonna get to sleep." Yoongi pushes a button and motorized metal blinds come down outside the window, the sunlight instantly blocked out and setting the room in pitch black darkness. "Oh. Well. Thanks." 

Yoongi settles into his pathetic excuse for a bed. The two silently lie awake and stare at the dark ceiling. "It was kinda weird seeing you naked."

Jimin groans. "Can we not talk about this?"

"I'm just saying. It was weird."

"It wasn't weird."

"How was that not weird?"

"Because we're... like teammates."

"We're like teammates?"

Jimin can hear the curiosity in Yoongi's voice. "We are teammates. And teammates see each other naked in the locker room. All the time. It's not a big deal."

"Well, if we're teammates can I sleep in the bed?"

Jimin sighs. "Good night, Yoongi."

The two lay in silence for a small moment before Yoongi breaks it. "Jimin?"


"Don't take this the wrong way."


"You're a very beautiful man."

Jimin smiles with his head turned away from Yoongi. "Get some sleep Yoongi, big day tomorrow."

The next morning not a creature is stirring, except for Gook who creeps into his office. He shuts the door softly and goes to his gigantic oak desk. He finds a phone number with a Seoul area code on a piece of paper.

He dials. "Yes. Mr. Guk? My name is Min Gook..." 

Only the animal trophies that adorn Gook's office hear the rest of the conversation. 

Upstairs Jimin wakes up. He looks over to Yoongi asleep on the floor with a blanket and a pillow. He stares maybe a beat too long, before there is a knock on the door. "Who is it?"

Du's lovely voice comes through the wooden door. "It's me dear. I made you two breakfast in bed. Can I come in?"

Jimin panics, trying to stall the woman a bit. "Uh, sure. Just a second." Jimin can't yell at Yoongi, so he throws a model wooden sailboat to wake him up. 

He hits Yoongi in the head. "What the..."

Jimin mouths, "Your mother." Trying to be quiet.

Yoongi jumps and and replaces cushions and hides signs of his makeshift bed. He finished quickly, hops in the bed, and puts his arm around Jimin. "Come on in mum!" Du enters with a tray of pastries, fruit and coffee. "Ah mum, you made your cinnamon rolls."

"Well, it's your special day." Du smiles, puts down the tray on a bedside table and sits on the edge of the bed. She is buzzing with excitement. "You two need your energy, so eat up. We've got your suit fitting, have to get the house ready, and then your wedding."

"I gotta run into town to get Jimin a new phone." Yoongi says.

"Will you pick up some champagne while you're there?" 

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