Something To Say

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Yoongi and Jimin walk towards the house, which looms above them as they prepare to deliver the news that they aren't getting married. The front door opens, and Gook comes outside in a hurry. He's clearly been waiting.

"Come with me."

"Where's mum, dad? We all need to talk." Yoongi asks.

"Not now. C'mon." 

Yoongi and Jimin look at each other, not sure what to do. Gook storms off and they follow.

Yoongi, Jimin and Gook arrive at the door to the guesthouse. Gook stops before they go in, turning towards his son. "I haven't told your mother about any of this, and I don't plan to." He then turns to Jimin. "I was really beginning to like you. Sorry about this." Gook opens the door and goes inside.

The guesthouse has been converted into a squash court. In the middle of the court, a man patiently sits on a metal folding chair. It's Guk.

Guk smiles. "Hey there kids. Good to see ya!"

Yoongi turns to his dad. "What did you do?" Gook doesn't answer, he's not proud of himself. Yoongi starts getting angry. "What did you do, dad!?"

"I called him yesterday. He told me that you were lying, and that he was going to catch you. That he was going to send you to prison."

Mr. Guk turns to Yoongi. "We made a deal and dad here flew me up. Now you tell the truth, and get off scott free. It's like it never happened for you."

"You made a deal with him? On my behalf?" Yoongi says sternly.

Gook starts to grow angry too, not liking the way his son was talking to him. "You were making a mistake..."

"That's none of your business."

"It's fine." Jimin steps in.

"The hell it is. It is not fine!" Yoongi shouts.

Mr. Guk rolls his eyes. "Oh quack, quack, quack. Just tell me what really happened, and I'll be on my way. No one gets hurt, we all get what we want."

Jimin takes Yoongi's hand. "It's okay. Tell him."

Yoongi looks at his father. "You do not get to make this decision. This is my decision." He then turns to face Guk. "The truth is... I've been working for Jimin for three years. Six months ago we started dating. I recently asked him to marry me, and he said yes. See you both at the wedding."

"What are you doing, Yoongi?" Gook asks, appalled. 

Yoongi grabs Jimin's hand. "Come on, we gotta get ready." Jimin and Yoongi storm out of the squash court.

The couple walks briskly to the house.

"What was I thinking? They act like they're nice, but really, they're evil." Yoongi sulks.

"He's only doing it because he loves you."

"Are you defending him? Are you defending the king dick?"

"Just stop. Think about this."

"Oh, I've thought about it. And know what I think? I think you saved my life. Thank you, Jimin. Getting married to you is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Without this, I might've ended up back here."

Up at the house, Du opens the door. "There you are! You two almost gave me a heart attack. C'mon, get dressed!"

"Coming mum!" Yoongi turns to Jimin. "Time to sack up." Yoongi winks and goes inside, and Jimin follows, not sure.

Chairs are being set up outside, guest have started arriving to the island via boat. Yoongi stands on the deck, wearing his tuxedo. Gab-Do arrives for the wedding, and they lock eyes. Yoongi waves hello and mouths 'sorry', turning around to go back inside.

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