Town Of Pep

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Amanda's POV

I was driving my Tiffany Blue two door Jeep  that was towing my motorcycle, I was on my way back to Riverdale after my mom made me leave. That was okay because my father and brother always cared for me more. Plus I missed my little bro. I was just not getting into the town of pep. Only a few more minutes till I get back to my childhood house. My dyed blonde hair put into a high ponytail, I was a natural red head like my brother and mother but I always dyed it. I soon saw the house and pulled up into the driveway and turned off my Jeep. I got out of my jeep and looked around seeing Betty still lived next door. I wore short shorts, black heels, long sleeved crop top and my denim jacket. I walked up the house and knocked on the door. Soon my father opened it. "Who is- Amanda!" My father yelled and hugged me and I laughed as I hugged him back. "Hey dad!" I laughed as tears rolled down our faces. "Where's Arch?" I asked not seeing the kiddo anywhere. "Up in his room." my dad said as he sniffled, I patted his back and walked up the stairs smiling as Vegas wagged his tail and whimpered as I loved on him.

I got to Archie's room as he was putting on a shirt. "Damn little bro where'd the abs come from?" I laughed as he turned around and gasped. "Amanda?!" He yelled running to me and hugging me tightly as he cried onto my shoulder. "Awe come on little bro don'e make me cry to." I laughed as I pulled off him. "Lets go to Pop's I miss the gang." I smiled and he got dressed as I sat on his bed with Vegas. Soon we were on my bike and heading to Pop's . Once we pulled up I saw the gang. "Hey Betty Boop." I smiled and she ran up to me and hugged me. "Oh Mandy I missed you so much!" She squealed as we hugged. "Missed you too Betts." I let go and walked to Jughead who looked sad but happy. "Damn Juggy both my boys got hit with puberty hard." He smirked and hugged me. "Not so bad yourself Mandy." He said as he laid his head on my head. "Can we talk the drive-in?" He whispered so only I heard him. "Of course Juggy." I pulled away and walked into Pop's Diner. "Amanda Andrews." Pops said as he walked out from around the counter and hugged me. "Hey Pops." I smiled as I hugged the man who would let me crash in his diner with Archie as kids. "Glad to see you back in town. Want your original?" Pops asked and I nodded as I sat next to Jughead.

After an hour Betty and Archie walked home and I drove Jug to the drive-in. He lead me to the projector room and it hit me. " are aren't you..?" I asked as he sat on the cot in the room and tears fell from his eyes as he nodded. "Dad got real took Jellybean and left in the middle of the night...leaving me with he's a full drunk..a angry drunk..most of the time I have to help him into bed at" Jughead was now fully crying so I walked over and hugged him as he held his head in his hands. "Jughead I am so sorry. You shouldn't have to live like this. Please come stay with me. You are family. Come on?" I said pulling his hands from his head and pulling off his beanie as I sat next to him. He laid his head on my lap and just let the tears flow. I ran my hand through his hair and I tried to comfort my best friend. "Come on Juggy, lets go home." I said and he sat up nodding and began to pack. After he got what he needed we got on my bike and road to my house.

Once we got there I walked in and saw my dad and Archie eating. "Jug go to my room okay?" I looked at Jug who nodded slowly as he walked upstairs with Vegas following him. "He okay?" my dad asked and I sighed. "FP fell off the wagon again...he's been living in the drive-in for a month now. So he's gonna stay here with us for a bit until I can get a house." I said as I kissed my father's cheek then Archie's before I walked to my room with Jughead laying down in his jeans and flannel. "You have nothing to wear do you?" I asked and he looked up and shook his head. I nodded and went to my brothers room for sweats. "I'll do a load of your laundry so you can have it for school when you wanna go back. One week but after that you are going back okay?" I said and he nodded. I close my door and began undressing. "M-Mandy?" Jughead stuttered and I looked at him as I was standing in my jean shorts and my bra. "Yes?" I said as I pulled on a over sized shirt and pulled off my shorts and pulled on pj shorts and un-did my bra and let it fall. Jughead's eyes never left my body. 

I knew he was only 17 and his body was still running on male hormones. "Jug?" I said and he looked away fast. "I...uh sorry." His face was flush red and I smiled. "Nothing to be sorry for Juggy. You are a teenage boy after all" i smiled as I laid in my bed next to him. He chuckled, his voice was raspy and I loved it I hate to admit that. He stood up and pulled off his flannel then his jeans and pulled on the sweats and laid next to me. "Thanks for letting me stay.." Jug smiled at me with sad eyes. "Don't be Juggy. Hey, I have some errands to run tomorrow but I can drop you off at Pop's and you can write. Still writing right?" I looked at him and he nodded. "Goodnight Mandy." Jughead closed his eyes. "Night Jug." I rolled over and fell asleep. 

Well here we go lol. A new story again!! I know I know!! I'll try to keep up with all of them I swear!!!!

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~Angie ;)

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