I know

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~Amanda's POV~

Our dad hasn't woken up yet. He slipped into a coma. It's been three weeks and no one has found who tried to kill our father. Well it was meant for Archie but dad being dad didn't let it happen. It's been three weeks of sleepless nights, waking to Archie screaming from the nightmares, taking turns watching him, staying up with him, crying to sleep. It's been hell. I've been spending more time with FP, Jug and Archie then my boys. Everyone has stayed in the house while taking turns watching. Malachai and Sweets have gotten closer but I pushed everyone away unless it was Cheryl making us bathe, or to eat. Other than that we don't leave the basement. Everyone is worried about us. I've lost about 20 pounds from not eating, I'm unhealthily skinny, Archie is losing his muscles. It's just too tiring to move.

~Third Person POV~

"What are we gonna do?" Toni spoke to FP who sighed. "I don't know. Okay? I don't. We are all there for them? She doesn't want Malachai or Sweets to see them or her mainly. She's gravitated to me so I can't leave her too long. And I am not saying I don't mind. But I need to be in charge of the Serpents for awhile." FP groaned Cheryl sighed and stood up. "I need to go make sure she is bathed. Their mom is coming to town." She stood up and walked down stairs.  "There's got to be something we can do? Weed?" Joaquin said as he held onto Kevin. "Good idea. But heads up here comes Malachai and Sweets." Fangs crossed his arms not happy with either of them for not helping much. They opened the door laughing but stopped when they saw everyone staring at them. 

"Yes?" Sweets asked looking at Fangs who he thought would help him out not say this. "I'm not happy with how you've been acting. Either of you. You treat Amanda like shit for not showing you any type of love and beg for her. And yet when she's broken you go after the other person she loves? You know how much that hurts her? From two people who she wanted? How do you think she feels? HER FATHER IS IN A COMA AND YOU ARE OUT DRINKING NOT HELPING?!" Fangs yelled knowing well Amanda and Archie heard him. Malachai and Sweets look around the room then at each other. "She never wants to see us.." Sweets looked at the ground knowing they fucked up.

"Do you really think they wanna see any of us? Do you think they like being so weak Cheryl has to help them shower? Or change cause they can't be bothered? Do you think Amanda wants to fear my dad will step outside and get shot? Do you think she wants any of that? Just cause they don't say what they feel doesn't mean they aren't feeling it." Jughead sighed looking away. "Just cause she doesn't say what she wants or how she's feeling does not mean you get to run off and drink they days away. You firstly treated her like shit and now? Now you are back to treating her like shit." Joaquin looked at them then sighed letting go of Kevin. 

Cheryl walked back up a few seconds later almost crying. "Now they won't even get in the shower. Nothing. They just stare at the ceiling like I'm not there." Cheryl plopped down on the chair and Toni sat on her lap hugging her. "Fuck. Okay. I'll go try with her." FP groaned standing up and heading down stairs. Malachai rolled his eyes and followed after the man and saw the hell that was the state of the basement. It looked like a tornado went through it. "Shit." He whispered and FP looked at him and nodded. "Okay Amanda lets shower." FP sat on the bed next to her and she didn't bother looking at him. 

Malachai sighed sadly and walked over to her and rubbed her arm softly. "Amanda, why don't we try a bath? Bubbles? Candles? Ice cream?" Malachai spoke low and Amanda looked at him and nodded slowly. "Okay good good. FP go find candles and Ice Cream." Malachai spoke low and helped Amanda sit up enough so he could carry her to the bathroom. He sat her down on the toilet and started her bath. FP came back down with what he needed but left Malachai to her and went back up.

Sweets was sat on the couch staring at his hands as he got yelled at. FP slammed the basement door getting everyone's attention. "Good now that no one is YELLING at Sweets. My turn to speak. Did they both fuck up? Yes. Did Sweets fuck up more? Yes. Why didn't Malachai fuck up to much? Because anytime Amanda told me she wanted something he would go out and get it for her even if he couldn't see her, he still loved her from afar. Should he have tried harder? Yes. But Sweets just left Amanda in the dust when things got tough. Do you think all of us want to sit around at the house watching out Queen fall and we can't help? No we hate it. I hate it most out of all of you. That's my Ride or Die." Everyone stared at FP when he said that, in gang terms that has more meaning than 'I love you'. It means more and holds more meaning. It means you are willing to ride for them and die for them. 

"I shouldn't have to watch this but I am cause she and Jug and Jelly are my world. My life. I cannot have her die. Non of us want her to die. We don't wanna lose Archie either." FP took a breath and ran his hands over his face before sitting down. "You're right. I left when things got tough but Malachai didn't. I don't do this bullshit. I'm not kind. I'll never be kind and caring like I should. I'll go." Sweets stood up and left leaving everyone shocked. "He'll be back." Fangs spoke low.

~Amanda's POV~

I just got out of the bath, now I am sat on the toilet lid while Malachai blow dries my hair, then it hits me. "I know who shot my father.." I spoke out but he didn't hear me. I stood up and ran to my room throwing on jeans that were now too loose on me, a bra, a tank top and my jacket and boots. "Amanda? Where at you going?" Malachai ran after me and saw my frail body in my clothes that don't fit. "I know who shot my dad.." I spoke quiet it hurt to speak. I ran out of the house with everyone yelling at me not to drive but I was gonna kill someone, slowly.

~Third Person POV~

"Where is she going?!" Toni shouted at Malachai who passed around the room. "How the fuck would I KNOW?!" Malachai snarled at her. Archie was sat on the couch alone holding his knees to his body. "She weighs what 100 pounds now? She'll fall ill." FP ran his hands through his salt and pepper hair as he sighed. "Just go a text. She said Kurtz did it. If that is true...she will die. I get I am insane. But Kurtz is just as bad if no one is in control of him right now." Malachai spit out fast running out of the house everyone following off into the direction Amanda went. Malachai was in his beat up Jeep calling Kurtz.

~Phone call~

Malachai: You tried to kill him?!

Kurtz: That was the plan Malachai?


Kurtz: Well I missed the target anyways. Got the dad or whatever old man it was.


Malachai hung up on Kurtz and threw his phone into the passenger seat and groaned in annoyance. "Fuck!" Malachai sped up knowing where Amanda was going. Soon the gangs showed up and walked in behind FP and Malachai in The House Of The Dead. "Everyone, I need you to stay outside. If I call for you. Charge up stairs all the way." Malachai spoke loud and they nodded, Malachai turned around and started to walk to his office where he knew Kurtz was. He knew Amanda is here cause of her bike.

Oh god!! What will happened?! Will Fred be okay? Will Amanda and Archie?

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~Angie ;)

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