It's A Start

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Her Outfit but without the leather jacket and the flannel

Amanda's POV

I  watched Jughead walk down the stairs with the bags and out the door Vegas following him. "Please watch Vegas!" I yelled and heard Jug yell a 'okay'. "Now you. I'm gonna drive you back to the trailer and help a bit but head back here to start moving. If you would like to stay in the new house that is okay. There is plenty of room for you. But one rule while under my house, no drinking. 2 beers but that's it." I stared him down and he groaned. "Yeah got it." I stood up and looked back at the door as Jughead and Vegas walked back in. "I'm gonna go change." I noticed Jughead had changed into his jeans, black shirt, flannel and his denim jacket. He had his chain back on his jeans and I smiled. "Good you have more flannels cause I'm keeping this." I said as I ran up the stairs with him close behind. I was wearing his red, white, and blue flannel. 

"Mandy!" I heard Jughead yell as I ran into my room giggling. "Ass." He laughed at me as I wiggled on black semi see through tights with high waist short denim shorts. I pulled off his flannel and my tank top and pull on my bra then my white weird sun crop top. I slid on Jug's flannel. "Take a picture it will last longer." I looked back at Jug who blushed and looked away. "I'm gonna dye my hair tonight. So I'll be going to the Wyte Wyrm tonight as we get settled okay?" I looked at him and he sighed but nodded. "I'm gonna drive him back to his trailer and head back here." I slipped on my combat boots and my own beanie over my blonde hair. "What colour?" He asked as he sat on my bed. "Well I miss being a red head. So red." He looked up and smiled at me and nodded. I leaned down and kissed his head. "Mandy?" I looked back as he stood up.

He may only be 16 but this kid was taller than me. "Yes?" I smiled up at him. He pushed some of my hair behind my ear and I noticed he was staring at my lips. " it's okay...can i kiss you?" He finally said. I knew he was a kid but I grew up with him and I knew he always had the crush on me but looks like he still has it. "One kiss. You are still a kid." He nodded and leaned down and kissed me softly. His lips were chapped but very soft and I kissed him back. He snaked his hand around my neck and kissed deeper. I was the one to pull away, "Juggy, don't tell me you have a crush on me now." I smiled and winked at him before walking downstairs.

"Lets go old man." I said as I walked out the door to his green beaten up truck and I heard him yell something before getting into the truck as I did on the driver side. "What was that old man?" I mocked him and he gave me a death glare before I revved up the engine and drove to the Southside. We sat in silence for a bit until FP spoke up, "How is he?" I looked over at the man before pulling out a pack of cigarettes and pulled two out. I handed him one and lit it for him then mine. "He can be better but it's a start. It's also a start that you are doing this." I said as I took a puff from my cigarette. He nodded as he nursed on the smoke. Soon we pulled up to his trailer and I saw my bike next to his. "Does Jughead have a bike?" i said as I got out of the truck and walked to the door. "Yeah, bought him one a while ago. Down In the shed." FP pointed to the shed and I nodded. "Cool. I'm gonna teach him." I said as I opened the door to the mess of a home. "I'm gonna change." FP walked in and to his room and I nodded. I grabbed the trash can and began grabbing handfuls of empty beer bottles, tumblers, cans, any garbage I see and throwing it out. I then walked to the fridge and saw more. I dumped most of it out and kept some for myself.

"Drinker too?" I heard FP say and I sighed. "I don't want to talk bout it Forsythe." I said and looked around. "This is a start. I don't want to hear from a Tallboy that you are drunk. Go it?" I said and FP ignored me and began cleaning up more. I walked out of the trailer and to my bike stashing what I took from FP into my side carriers on my bike. I revved up the engine and sped off to the Wyte Wyrm. I turned off my bike and walked in. "I'm back." I yelled and everyone turned to me. "Amanda Andrews." I heard Tallboy bark out as he walked up to me and hugged me. "Hey Tallboy. Need a favor." I pulled him outside and he followed. "What's up kid?" He crossed his arms. "Your King overdosed last night. He's fine!" I yelled as I saw the concern on his face. "But I need a few of your boys to make sure he cleans up that trailer and not drink. And If I come back here and see you failed. It'll be blood." I was raised a Northsider but I know I was born on the wrong side of the tracks. "Yes Ma'am." Tallboy nodded and looked around seeing Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Joaquin. "Boys c'mere." Tallboy yelled and the three walked over. "No fucking way. Pea?" I laughed seeing the boy I also baby sat. "Mandy?" He laughed and ran over picking me up and hugging me. "What the fuck?!" He yelled and I giggled.

"Hey kid. How come all my boys look like hunks?" I laughed as he put me down and I saw him blush a bit. "Finally became a Serpent I see." I ran a cold finger on his neck where his tattoo laid. "Yes I did." Sweets chuckled. "Oh Mandy this is Fangs and Joaquin. Boys this is Amanda Andrews." I held out my tattooed hand and they saw the small Serpent Snake on my hand. "Not a full Serpent I see? Trying to hard to be a badass baby." The boy called Fangs spoke as he saw the small snake on my finger. I snarled at him, "One don't tested me, I can have you on the ground begging. Second, I'm more of a Serpent than you'll ever be. Seems like you are all hiss and no bite." I smirked when Joaquin busted out laughing along with Sweets, I also heard Tallboy chuckle. "Alright put the fangs away Mandy." Tallboy laughed. "I need you boys to watch over the King this evening till Many comes back. Don't let him drink. Don't ask why just listen. You know what happens if you fail." Tallboy crossed his arms looking down at the boys who nodded. 

I nodded back and walked to my bike and hopped on. "Counting on you four. Or else I'll show you how a real Serpent bites and hisses." I revved off. "Damn..she needs to do the Serpent Dance.." Sweet Pea spoke and Tallboy walked up. "No. She need's to do the male initiation. Or both." Tallboy watched as I drove out of the  Southside. "What?! No that'll kill her!" Sweet Pea yelled as he looked at Tallboy. "Pea you don't know that girl. She's taken beatin's for most of you kids in here. By men bigger than me." Tallboy walked away to his bike. "She's a Serpent just waiting for her skin to shed" Tallboy revved off as the rest of the boys followed on their bikes to the King's trailer.

1344 words. Should Amanda do the Serpent Hiss Dance or The Serpent Initiation Trials or Both?Is she strong enough for them both? Being watched by men or being beaten by men and women? Let me know

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~Angie ;)

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