Unspoken Feelings

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Amanda's POV

I groaned when my alarm went off, I leaned over and picked up my phone and turned it off. Jughead groaned into the pillow. "Go back to sleep." I said as I got up and went to my suitcase, still packed. I pulled out black skinny jeans that were ripped and pulled off my shirt and put on a ripped up crop top. I brushed my hair and pulled on a leather jacket then my heeled boots. I heard Jughead groan and I looked back at him as he stared at me. "Oh does little Juggy have a crush?" I cocked my head with a smirk and he blushed looking away. "Where are you going...?" Jughead sat up playing with the blanket hem. "Getting a house, a job and a few other things." I walked over him and knelt down next to the bed and he looked down. "Call me if you need anything? Wanna ride to Pops?" I asked and he shook his head and I nodded standing up but stopped when I felt Jug grab my hand. I looked down at his hand then at him raising my eyebrow and he stood up hugging me. I could feel him shaking and I hugged back. "I'll be back soon Juggy." I smiled and he let go nodding before getting back in bed.

I walked outside and hopped on my bike, turning on the engine and drove off to the Southside. I got on the other side of the tracks and went to his trailer. Once I was outside his trailer I pulled up next to his bike and parked. I hopped off my bike and walked to his door and banged on it. I heard cursing and yelling on the other side of the door. "What the fuck!" FP whipped open the door and stared down at the girl. "Amanda?" He rubbed his eyes and looked again. 'Fuck she grew up.' FP thought. I pushed past him into the house and it was disgusting. "Really FP?" I turned around as he closed the door. "What?" He ran his hand through his salt and pepper hair. "Drinking yourself into a early grave again I see." I placed my hands on my hips. "Wanna know where I found your son living? In the drive-in. Sleeping a fucking cot. First day here and I'm dealing with a depressed Jughead." I yelled and FP looked down then around at his trailer and grimmest at the mess. "He is now living with me. I'm getting a house here and he will live with me. He misses his dead beat dad, Forsythe. Why? Maybe cause hes a 16 year old boy living alone. Did you and Glady get a divorce?" I yelled again. 

"For fuck sake do you ever shut the fuck up?!" FP yelled at me and I rolled my eyes at him. "No, not when it comes to the boy I grew up baby sitting when his mother and father would fight when they also had a baby who I also watched over. You lost Jellybean and Glady cause you are a drunk, you are about to lose your son Forsythe. Get your act cleaned up. The Andrews can't keep cleaning up for you, nor can the Serpents." I shook my head and walked over to the tired looking man and bent down. "Clean up Forsythe. Jughead still loves you, don't let that love die." I hugged the older man who stiffened under my touch but hugged back. "I will.." I heard him whisper and I walked out of the trailer. I hopped on my bike and headed to the house I bought.

I walked up to the house I bought and looked at it. All rebuilt and looking good. I smiled and picked up the key from the mailbox and walked to the door. As I walked in I smiled looking around at the empty space. It had 3 bedrooms upstairs and 1 in the basement. It had 3 full bathrooms, 2 upstairs and 1 in the basement and a half bath on the main floor. I walked down the basement and smiled knowing I was gonna get this room. It was large with a small bar in it. I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket and I pulled it out and looked at the number and didn't know it. I answered "Amanda Andrews speaking." I said and I heard a deep raspy voice speak. "Amanda...it's FP. I need your help.." I heard him say and I sighed. "Forsythe I was just there." I groaned as I walked up the stairs and I heard coughing and gagging on the other end. "Forsythe?" I said and heard a groan. "Okay okay, I'm on my way." I hung up the phone and ran to my bike after locking the door. I jumped on my bike and drove to the trailer.

I parked my bike and ran to the door and opened it. I looked around and heard coughing from the bathroom. I ran to the bathroom and saw FP over the toilet vomiting then saw the bottle of pills and whiskey on the floor. I picked up the pill bottle and saw it empty. "FP!" I yelled and he cough as he gagged himself. I sighed as I pulled out my phone to call 911. "D-don't..I've gotten most of it.." He vomited again as tears ran down his cheeks. I sighed putting my phone down and looked at him and shook my head. "Killing yourself will really make Juggy hate you. Come on get it up." I said as I pulled off his flannel he wore as he had sweat right through it. I rubbed his back as he coughed more. He shook his head and groaned as he vomited again. 

He sighed and leaned back on my legs as I sat on the edge of the tub. I moved his hair out of his face. "You are all sweaty Forsythe, lets get you in the shower, mhm?" I said as he groaned. I leaned down and grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head revealing the large two headed serpent tattoo on his chest. I moved him to lean on the side of the tub and started working on his belt. "Don't.." FP groaned out. "Forsythe you need to shower and I am not leaving the father of a 16 year old boy alone right now. You are gonna shower and come back home with me." I pulled his belt out of the loops of his tattered jeans. I began unbuttoning his jeans but stopped when I noticed his boots were still on, I rolled my eyes and pulled them off and his socks. "Forsythe come on help me here." I said as I tried tugging down his jeans, he let out a shaky breath as he lifted his hips and i pulled his jeans and boxers down. He hissed when his skin hit the cold tiles, I pulled his jeans all the way off his legs and stood up looking the older male up and down and smirked but shook my head. 

I heard my phone buzz and I pulled it out and saw Jughead's name on my phone. I walked out of the bathroom but making sure to keep FP in my line of sight. "Hey Juggy." I said as I looked at FP who groaned and leaned over the toilet and vomited again. "Hey Mandy..just wondering when you will be back.." I heard Jughead's tired and raspy voice. "In a few hours. I got the house. But we can move into it tomorrow. I um...I will be bring FP...back with me.." I said softly. "Why? Is he okay? What happened?" Jughead said and I heard him moving around fast then heard a door slam and him panting. "Juggy stop. I got him. Okay? He fucked up and called me for help. He's got a lot of explaining to do but right now I have to get him in the shower. He's been vomiting for a good hour I'd say and he's sweat through his clothing." I said as I heard Jughead panting but knew he stopped running. "I'll be home soon I promise Jug." I heard him sighed and murmurer a okay before hanging up.

I walked back into the bathroom and looked at FP as he leaned back on the tub. I moved around him and turned on the shower making sure it was cool water but not icy. I turned back to FP and sighed. "Come on Fp." I sighed and I knelt down and grabbed both of his arms and he started standing up using me for help. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him up as he laid his head on my shoulders to steady himself. "Ready?" I whispered and he nodded. I could feel something poking my hip so I looked down and sighed. " 'm sorry.." FP whispered and I shook my head. "Hey it's okay." I pulled the lid of the toilet down and sat him on it as I wiggled out of my jeans and shirt. He looked up, "W-what are you doin'?" He ask and I helped him stand back up. I only wore a bra and my lacy panties. "You can't stand up alone Forsythe. You need help right now." I was more focused on helping FP than anything else but FP was barley here so when his cock brushed against my hip he moaned softly into my shoulder. "Forsythe." I warned as I  felt him rock his hips onto me as I helped him in the shower. "Sorry...just uncomfortable.." He said softly as his back was under the water. 

I looked down and sighed seeing him rock into my hips to try to get friction. I wrapped my arm around his waist tighter and used my other than to grab his cock. FP moaned out my name. "Please..." He groaned and I began working my hand around him. I stilled my hand as he began thrusting into my hand to get himself off. I kept my eyes on his tattoo as he used my hand to help himself. "Amanda...." he moaned my name as I felt him spill into my hand. He panted and I turned him around so he could cool off again. I washed my hand in the water and heard FP murmurer. "Sorry.." He sounded shameful. "Don't, just cool off so we can get going." I said

~1 Hour Later~

I laid FP on the couch in my living room with the help of my dad. "What happened?" My dad looked at me then I looked at the boys. "Kiddos why don't you go upstairs?" My dad said and Archie nodded but Jughead just looked at his pale father. "I'll be right up okay?" I said and Jug looked at me and nodded before following Arch up the stairs. "He overdosed..I went to see him today to talk about Jug. He needed to clean up for his son. Glady and Jellybean are gone cause of this...he's gonna lose Jug too if this doesn't stop. So after I went to my new house I got a call from him and I road over and found him over the toilet vomiting his guts out. He regretted what he did...so he gagged himself and got out all the pills." I whispered low enough so only my dad could hear me. "You are a great kid, Amanda." He hugged me and I hugged him back. "Watch him for a bit please. I need to shower." I said as my dad brought over a trash can and water. He nodded and I walked up to my room to find Jug and Archie on my bed. "No questions. He will be okay." I hugged both of the boys before Archie left the room and back to his. I laid down on my bed and Jughead laid back with me and held my hand tightly.

Over 2000 words on this lol. I really hope people like this like my others. 

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~Angie ;)

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