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~Third Person POV~

Amanda woke up confused to who was holding her, but she didn't open her eyes and used her senses. Okay it can't be Archie, not enough muscles. Not Jughead, too many muscles. Not Sweets. Not a female either no breasts. FP? No he always smells like leather and whiskey, even when sober. Joaquin? Nah, he's gay and this man surely has a boner from my breasts pressed to him. No Fangs either too much leg. It can't be....Malachai? Amanda thought to herself as she opened her eyes and saw him, Malachai looking peaceful holding Amanda close to him. He began waking up and looked down at Amanda. "Morning." He spoke in a deep sleep laced voice. I smiled and crawled up his body, mindful of everyone sleeping around us. I sat on his lap and smirked a bit. "I see you aren't the only one awake." I whispered and he looked confused until she rocked her hips and let out a small groan. "Shit..don't." He said as he sat up grabbing her and picking her up.

Amanda squealed as she held onto him as she carried her up the stairs. "What are you planning Chai?" she kissed his neck slowly nipping her and there. He moaned as he sat her on the couch. "I wish I was planning on sex but...I'm in charge of watching you this morning." That got Amanda to stare at him. "In charge of watching me? Hell no you can do that after." Amanda grabbed him by the hem of his sweats and yanked them down. "Whoa. Amanda. Don't." he warned but he didn't know why he was turning down a blowjob, he was pulled from his thoughts when a warm hand wrapped around his cock, then a wet warm tongue licked his tip. "Fuck. If you are doing this, don't tease." He grabbed her fierce red hair tightly pulling her more to him. Amanda went all the way down him in a quick move, which made him buck his hips and smirk seeing that she didn't have a gag reflex. "Fuck." He let out a small moan which Amanda wanted to hear more of.

Amanda got to work on his using her other hand around the base to follow her lips. She swirled her tongue around him each time pulling more and more sinful moans from him. "A-Amanda...I'm...don't stop please..." He bit the back of his hand knowing they were right down stairs but it all came crashing down when someone knocked. Malachai got pissed and went to move away but Amanda stopped him. "Nah, leave it. I'm not done. Fuck my mouth." Amanda spoke in a raspy voice. "Fuckin' hell." Malachai spoke low and began thrusting in and out of her throat growing closer to his orgasm, whoever was out there kept banging on the door, but Amanda kept Malachai where she wanted him. "Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" He moaned out and not quiet at all as he came down her throat. He pulled away from her mouth and watch her swallow it all and licked her lips. "Mhm." Amanda bit her lips and leaned to his cock again and licked it softly making Malachai shiver and moan.

"Go get the door." Amanda smiled as he pulled up his pants, he was sweating and his hair stuck to his forehead. He yanked open the door and growled at what he saw. "Thought you were told to stay away?" Malachai spoke low and held all power right now. "I came for my shit." Sweets pushed Malachai out of his way and saw Amanda on the couch and his heart clenched at the sight. Red hair a mess from something he could already guess, but what hurt the most was she was in his flannel. "Can I have my flannel Amanda?" He spoke in a monotone voice. She looked down and saw what she was wearing. She stood up and rolled her eyes pulling it off reveling her breasts and tattoo. Sweets stood there shocked, Malachai laughed. "Hang on." He laughed again. "You sucked my dick in his shirt. Oh that's perfect." He laughed as he heard foot steps thundering up and the basement door flew open.

The crew stared at Amanda who was in just sweats that hung low on her prefect hips. Archie coughed and looked away. "Okay stop staring at my sister like a meal!" Archie barked out. Cheryl giggled. "I think she looks ravishing." She pulled off her cardigan and helped Amanda put it on. "What are you doing here?" Cheryl was the first to see Sweets still standing there staring. "Uh. What? Oh. I came for my shit." He looked at the other red head. "Yeah no. Sit down lover boy. Both lover boys. Everyone else into the kitchen." Cheryl clapped her hands and everyone did as told. Sweets and Malachai had a staring contest.

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