The End

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Some time passed and Sprig was still a human. It probably didn't help that Polly and Paul kept chanting Kiss kiss kiss to them. After a while they took a break. Anne and Mary were playing a game on Anne's phone 📱. Sarah and Sprig were watching Polly and Paul wrestle while putting bets on who might win.

"Hey Hop pop. Want to have some tea?" Asked Kiara.

"Sure." Said Hop pop. They both sat down and relaxed.

"So how's the relationship with Silvia?"

"How do you know about that?" Asked Hop pop as he blushed.

"Well when we were little you had a huge crush on her, you did send me letters and because you're Hop pop. I know you. 😝 😜" Said Kiara

"Well guilty as charged." Said Hop pop.

"Hey Mary told me that a Salamander named Valeriana has the cure for Sprig." Said Kiara.

"That's Great." Said Hop pop.

"We just have to go to Newtopia and get it. Since your snail is still recovering from the "incident" We'll take my snail 🐌. Bad news is she can only carry 2 people. So my kids and your kids have to stay here." Said Kiara.

"Oh but Newtopia's far. Will they be ok?" Asked Hop pop.

"Don't worry, Mary's a great babysitter and she's always great when she's home alone. Now come on! Kiara and Hop pop adventure! Just like the old times." Said Kiara.

"Ok then." Said Hop pop.

"Kids we know where there's a cure for Sprig. Stay here while we go get it." Said Kiara.

"Yes! I'm going to be cured." Cheered Sprig (In his head of course) He was now gonna miss being a human. Anne's been telling him of all the great ways that being a human isn't so bad.

Flashback (Because I can 😆)

"Come on Sprig being a human isn't so bad." Said Anne.

"Really how? No offense but being a human is boring." Said Sprig.

"None taken 😑😑😑 but there are some good things of being a human."

"Like what?"

"Well you know how frogs can't eat Chocolate 🍫?" Asked Anne.

"Yeah so?"

"You can eat it now 😏😏." Said Anne. Sprig started drooling 🤤🤤🤤🤤.

"Oh you want it?" Said Anne. Sprig nodded his head yes!

"Well come and get it!" Said Anne as she ran away.

"Hey!" Said Sprig as he chased after her. He grabbed the chocolate 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫 and ate it all up. He smiled.

"It's good huh?"

"Best food I've ever tasted in my life........ well apart from Pizza 🍕." Said Sprig.

"I'm glad you like it." Said Anne as she smiled 😁😁😁.

"I know who's sweeter than this chocolate 🍫"

"Who?" Asked Anne.

"You." Said Sprig.

She blushed at what he said and Sprig just smiled. She tried to deny her blushing.

"You're so cheesy Sprig ☺️." Said Anne.

"Is that really so bad?" Asked Sprig.

End of Flashback

He got used to being a human and was kinda gonna miss being one. He was so lost in his thoughts and didn't even Polly reading his Journal 📓 for the 4th time.

"Hey Polls Whatcha reading?" Asked Anne.

"Oh it's a story about this Boy named .... Stan and he has a crush on this girl. You want to see?" Asked Polly.

"Ok 😄" Said Anne. She grabbed the Journal and looked at what Polly was reading.

I know it's wrong since she's different from me but I can't help feeling the way I feel about her. I thought I liked Ivy but it turns out I liked her all along.

She's awesome

She's kind

She's sweet

She's everything I'd ever want in a friend

She's fierce

Anne Boonchuy is my sweetheart and I love her. (Even though I know it'll never happen 😔😔😔😔😔)

Anne blushed crimson. The boy she had a crush on, who she thought would never liked her, well liked her back. She wanted to jump on him. She wanted to yell I love you too! She wanted to go on top of the Eiffel Tower and yell I LOVE SPRIG!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
But that's just crazy and she was in public. She wanted to tell him this privately.

"Polly how could you make me read something of Sprigs?" Asked Anne.

"What are you guys reading?"

"Ahhhh!!!! 😲" Yelled Anne. She accidentally let go of the book and let it fly in midair. Sprig caught it.

"Here's your book back ....................... Anne." He saw that she was reading his Journal and reading all his secrets.

"Sprig I can explain."

"Why were you reading my Journal??!!! Anne that's just ........... I can't even ............." Sprig couldn't even form words. His Friend, his own best friend was invading his privacy and reading all his secrets.

"Sprig! I swear Polly tricked me." Said Anne.

"Yeah! The little Purple Tadpole told her it was a book." Said Sarah. 

"You're just saying that to protect her!" Said Sprig. He got really mad and then sad.

"Guys stop fighting." Said Mary.

"Well we wouldn't be fighting if Anne didn't read my Journal!" Said Sprig.

"You mean Diary?! Just call it a Diary! Calling it a journal is a stupid way to call it a Diary! Anyway I didn't even know it was your diary! Polly told me it was a normal book! Right Polly?"



"I have no idea what you're talking about." Said Polly. Sprig was now really mad at Anne.

"Wow shame on you for reading the mans diary." Said Paul.

"I didn't read his diary!😡😡😡😡😡" Said Anne angrily.

"How about you 2 spend some time apart?" Said Mary as she grabbed Anne and pulled her away from Sprig.

"Yeah go take a walk. Let the anger out." Said Paul.

"Go to the Star River. To get there you have to-" Said Sarah. Unfortunately Anne slammed the door shut and walked away before she could hear Sarah.

"Ok then" Said Sarah.

"I can't believe it. Anne read my Journal. I thought we were friends." Said Sprig.

"That's it! Sprig I have a confession." Said Polly.

"What?" Asked Sprig.

"I ........."

To be continued.
Sorry guys I'm ending the story on a Cliffhanger. I just feel like this story doesn't deserve a happy ending or an end. So sorry 😐 guys.

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