Chapter 9 - Shit

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Yes that's my art 🔝 it sucks doesn't it? I just wanna show you that's how Germany looks but in a nicer way of course cause my art is like dirt being trampled by feet! Also that art was kinda rushed!

Also if you're wondering "what the fuck is wrong with the title of the chapter?" Well that's just my mood today!

Hey hey hey! What's up my lovies? I know I've been out for long but I come before you with a chapter! I luv yall! Welp bai!

"Stay here filipinas!" SE said as he pats my head.

"Ok!" I agreed and I watched him go out the door, I lied in my bed thinking about what happened.


The man told me that I'm his son... I cant understand what's going on anymore!

It's been a long day... I need to rest...

Martial's POV

I saw papa going back to the house with a gloomy face. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Papa, what's with the face?" I asked him.

He looked at me and started crying, my eyes widened from shocked as papa fell on the ground on his knees.

"MARTIAL?! WHAT IS FATHER DOING?!" Del ran up to me as he saw father crying.

"I don't know!" I said and I looked back to my father.

"Your brother he..." Philippines? He's alive?!

"HE DOESN'T REMEMBER ME?!" He yelled leaving del and I shocked.

"What do you mean phil doesn't remember you?! You're his father!" I said, no... it cannot be! Did Phil get memory loss?!


Phil... thinks that Spanish Empire is his father?! I can't believe it! My dearest brother thinks that his father is Spanish Empire?!

"I can't believe it! We need to get Philip back!" Del shouted, I looked at him and saw that he was on the verge of tears.

He truly loved Phil as his brother, to think that we were robbed of such a thing...

"Don't worry... I plan to ambush Spain's palace at midnight...." father said with a malicious tone.

Del and I shivered since father rarely talks like this! And if he does... he means it...

"Martial?" I flinched as I heard him say my name.

"Yes father?" I asked trying not to sweat right now.

"Prepare the weapons... and get ready for midnight!" He said as he stood up and walked back to his hut.

"Wow I've never seen father like that" del said as I can see he's sweating.

"Yeah... I should go buy food for dinner... take care of father, del..." I said as I stood up and began to walk.

"You can count on me!" Del said as he ran to father's hut.

I continued walking towards the town and saw many vegetables.

Maybe I should get some cabbage... and some eggplant too!

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