Part 7. Shay joins and Shiro cries

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You know those moments where, you say something you think will end horribly and then it doesn't? Yeah neither do I. But I can tell you this once, luck was nice to me and in return, what'd I get? Kisses.

lance.mcclain: hey um, Keith can I ask you something...

kogane_keith: sure what's up?

lance.mcclain: I haven't been very honest with you about my feelings....

kogane_keith: no time like the present to speak the truth, what's wrong?

lance.mcclain: I just wanted to say first that this has been on my mind since I first found you....on instagram that is

kogane_keith: Ok....what is it?

lance.mcclain: Keith Kogane, will- will you go out with me!?

kogane_keith: like a date?

lance.mcclain: if it's ok with you...

kogane_keith: I thought this was completely one sided....yes of course I will! I really like you Lance...

lance.mcclain: hopefully I can change that to love

kogane_keith: always a charmer huh? I'll have you know I don't fall in love at first like

lance.mcclain: I'm making it my mission to change that.

kogane_keith: I'd like to see you try...


697k likeskogane_keith: for once my love life is finally working in my favor

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kogane_keith: for once my love life is finally working in my favor....❤️
lance.mcclain: ahem you're missing this 💙
elle: 💙❤️=💜 pls make children. 😏
josh_daniels: woah there sis, make room for Jesus
katie_is_gay: I'm with Romi on this one
punk_rock-xy: Pidge I thought we talked about this, you aren't allowed to ship without Hunk and Adam
sunshine_hunk: Hah! Point Hunk
adam.w: we do this out of love: Point Adam
katie_is_gay: Shiro control your boyfriend/husband/wife!
shirogane: I stopped trying when he told me all of you were our children
mattholt: no one can control Adam except Shiro and he gave up so Adam in unstoppable..
princess_allura: Yay fun Dad!
shaybalmera: you seem to have an interesting family tree....
shaybalmera: YO ELLE!!!! Nothing much, just trying to get my degree in geology, how bout you?
elle: fashion! I want my work on a runway someday! And I want my hot lawyer girlfriend to model it
princess_allura: awww thx bebe💝 luv you
elle: luv you 2. Oh right...guys this is shay Josh and I met her in high school
shaybalmera: oh yeah how are you Josh?
josh_daniels: nothing much, I got a cute boyfriend after we graduated ☺️ just check @mattholt you'll see
shaybalmera: same old Josh...


709k likesshaybalmera: I think I'm the newest member of Voltron now

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shaybalmera: I think I'm the newest member of Voltron now.....Hi @sunshine_hunk @mattholt @lance.mcclain @adam.w @shirogane @katie_is_gay @elle @josh_daniels @punk_rock-xy @kogane_keith @princess_allura I'm excited to be apart of your group💚
lance.mcclain: we're happy to have you
kogane_keith: welcome to the gay hell that is Voltron.
shaybalmera: I'm straight
keith_kogane: that's why you're gonna watch it with Hunk on the sidelines while we be gay disasters
shirogane: ain't that the truth
adam.w: excuse me I'm right here


839k likesadam

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adam.w: I've provoked Shiro's cuddle privileges. I'm so evil ☺️😋

shirogane: honey all I said was we're both gay disasters....I can't sleep without my cuddle buddy :(
katie_is_gay: you two are bigger disasters than Lance and Keithy boy
lance.mcclain: Hey!
kogane_keith: Hey!

Sorry it's short. I just wanted to get something out 😛 Bye~

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