Part 14 Lots of cringe content up ahead

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922,319 likeskatie_is_gay: She took me to a fucking playground-8

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katie_is_gay: She took me to a fucking playground-

lance.mcclain: Please tell me there were no children there-
elle: I'm like 90% sure she's not even allowed to be around a child-
shirogane: I feel bad for her future children then-
adam.w: But the babies would be so cute!!!!
katie_is_gay: Y'all are mean! But thank you Adam, my adopted children will be adorable
adam.w: uwu


917,365 likesshaybalmera: the actual face of someone giving up on life

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shaybalmera: the actual face of someone giving up on life. College sucks.
shirogane:my mood every morning when I realize I am forced to look after a bunch of reckless young college children, who act like idiots.
elle: Harsh, but fair
katie_is_gay: uh-uh you don't get to say that kind of shit when I totally watched you and Adam make out outside the bar the other night
adam.w: why you gotta be like that Katie-
shirogane: Mommy and Daddy were just talking
princess_allura: lmao 😂
josh_daniels: I take it back- Shiro is fun sad now
lance.mcclain: Agreed XD

Lance woke up and groaned as he sat up in bed. He felt something blocking his way to getting out of bed. He looked down and he saw Keith sleeping next to him, wrapping his arms around Lance's waist. He smiled down at him. His face looked so peaceful and his hair was so messy yet it still framed his face so perfectly. He could honestly study Keith all day, but he'd throw that all away if he couldn't have coffee first. "Keeeiiith!!" He said in a whiny voice. No movement. Okay, looks like we're doing this the hard way.

He slowly and quietly removed Keith's arms from around him. He made a sound of protest to his now pillow leaving. "Nooo let me love you!" He said tiredly. It came off a little whiny which Lance thought was adorable and a big change from his dark, cool, edgy, brute, dominating- ok now he was just complimenting him-...Point is, is that it seemed like a different side of him. Not that Lance was complaining, he loved being so wanted so early in the morning.

"Sorry sweetie, I have class today" Lance said as he started pulling out what he was going to wear that day. "Fuck school, I wanna cuddle you!" He said lifting his head from the pillow and resting his chin on it. He watched silently as Lance removed the shirt he was sleeping in and threw it in the hamper. He got up from the bed and made his way over the shirtless boy. He wrapped his arms around him, gently rubbing his hands over Lance's forearms. "I know what you're trying to do Mullet" he said shaking his head. He kissed the tired boy on the nose and shut himself in the bathroom to take a much needed shower.

During class he was bored like always. He decided to check his group messages. He pulled his phone out from the pocket of his hoodie and opened a chat labeled Voltron. As always, utter chaos was going on.
baby.bird // Pidge (admin)
cinnobon // Hunk
aesthetic_prosthetic // Shiro
mommy // Adam
princess // Allura
goldilocks // Romelle
yeehaw // Keith
emo_nightmare // Roxy
blonde.disater // Josh
loverboy // Lance
rocklover // Shay
matt_hatter // Matt

baby.bird: Dude, I literally just saw a kid snort glue-

mommy: Don't tell me you're thinking about doing it, without me there

baby.bird: I would never cheat on you with that

princess: What does that even mean?

aesthetic_prosthetic: Should I be jealous?

goldilocks: No but you should be disappointed in all of us

rocklover: We do the drugs without you UwU

aesthetic_prosthetic: I sell the drugs without you

blonde.disaster: Damn-

emo_nightmare: He really schooled us-

matt_hatter: Why are you even around children!?

cinnabon: Matt asking the important questions here-

He just silently stared at his phone in disbelief as his friends were yelling at each other and sending memes. He decided to do the responsible thing and put his phone away (big step away from what he'd normally do). He wouldn't call himself a slacker, but he didn't always pay attention. His mind was always filled with thoughts. Switching from one thought to another, he just couldn't be on one track.

Something he's learned recently was that most of his thoughts were of Keith nowadays. It's not that unusual of a discovery I mean, it Keith! How could I not think of him!? He always said to himself. Day dreaming was always his favorite activity as a kid. He always say dreamed of him being a knight, saving his damsel in distress. His princess. Him fighting dragons and monsters, all to help his one true love. That feeling of protection always carried with him into relationships. Friendships, family, dating, you name it.

It wasn't until he was twelve when his mind started changing. Over time his princess faded into his prince. He could feel the same as he did with her only now he wanted to save him. For a while it stayed that way. He'd fight with the same determination as for her, climbing the tower to rescue him. Once there he'd whisper words of admiration and promises to protect him before leaning in. Always, always, always the vision would end before the kiss. Was it because he didn't want to kiss a prince, or was it his imagination's instinct to save that experience for when he's ready?

A few years later those dreams changed. His princess faded between a prince and a princess. They were the same person, just glitching between distressed damsel and a distressed damoiseau. His feelings never changed as the same dream replayed. He'd often wonder what these visions meant. They were silly little brain movies playing for his entertainment when he was bored. But actually, they were a sign. A key if you will.

Those day dreams were an eye opener to who he really is. They were more than dreams, they were messages. The core responsibility for him knowing. Knowing his sexuality. At age 16 he decided to put more search into what these could mean. Hours and hours of searches on google. "What does it mean when a boy dreams of other boys?" He remembers putting in the google search engine.

It was silly to think at such a young age he discovered he was bisexual. But when you think about it, he always was. Some guys like boys and he didn't even realize people don't approve of same sex relationships. "So what if I'm in love with Keith, he makes me damn well happy!" He thought this himself in class as he recalled the memories.

"Wait a!?" He said aloud.

damoiseau, is a male version of a damsel in Fench

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