CH 6 || Proud Of You

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A calm breeze, beautiful scenery, and a cup of hot coffee and not to mention a canvas with my paintbrushes, and what else anyone wants?

Others might want something luxurious but not me. It's been 3 days living in Dhruv's house and I was not allowed to leave my room. At first, I didn't mind because I was weak but later I felt suffocated.

Sensing my discomfort, Dhruv brought me to the lakeside with others.

I don't know how will I repay him, or whether I will ever be able to repay him or not?

I didn't leave the room once in the last 3 days but Dhruv made sure that I don't get bore and also I started teaching him.

It's tough to teach him, trust me when I say tough it means really very tough. Sometimes I feel how did he pass earlier.

I have started to be comfortable around Rohit, Riddhi, Namit, and Arjun. It was easy to get along with them and yes I have accepted them as my friends. Not even once they made me feel inferior, either of my status or anything. They treated me the same way they use to treat each other. I wonder why didn't they talk to me earlier, but how could they. They have tried in the past, but my insecurity and fear always held me back.

Coming to Dhruv, I don't know what to say. He treats me differently than others, not in a bad way but in a good way. I have never been treated like this. He makes me feel weird things. In front of others, only his eyes speak. It's weird how I can even read his eyes.

Let me tell you guys about yesterday's incident, after studying for a while all of us decided to play a game. Namit's sister Nitya also came. She was very sweet and made me her big sister just in one meeting.

There were two teams one was Arjun and the other was Dhruv. I was asked first to chose a team. I looked at both of them. Arjun asked me to chose him but Dhruv didn't say a word. I looked at him and when his eyes met mine, I saw a glint of hope in them. I thought it was nothing but when I chose Dhruv a small smile twitched on his lips, clearing my doubt that he indeed was hopeful.

"Can I see it now?" Riddhi asked breaking the chain of my thoughts.

"Just a minute."

Ever since Riddhi got to know that I paint she has been forcing me to paint her portrait. Not only her, everyone wants me to paint their portrait except Dhruv.

I don't know why doesn't he want it?

Wait! Why am I worried about this? Do I really want him to ask me for his portrait too?

I am being weird, but he is weirder. 3 days back, he came to my room thinking I was sleeping. I pretended to sleep but was caught. He came near me and made me sleep and didn't leave the room until I slept. That has become a routine, he makes me sleep daily.

Why the hell am I thinking too much about him? I guess, something is wrong with my brain. Keeping his thoughts with my paintbrush aside, I said,

"It's done." As soon as I announced, Riddhi came with a grin plastered over her face.

"Wow!" she exclaimed.

"It's really beautiful. I had no idea you are this talented," she added further

I thought how would she know? I have always hidden this fact from everyone.

"Now, it's my turn," said Arjun.

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