CH 90 || Euphonious Sound Of His Heartbeat

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Arjun and Kiaan entered Surbhi's house from the backside. Though they had permission to go in from the front yet they had to be cautious when going for such a task. Dhruv had already disabled the CCTV of the house and handled the security team so there was nothing to worry about.

Both Arjun and Kiaan first climbed up. They went inside the room whose window was open. Surbhi had clearly told them about the house's rooms and directions. To start their plan the first thing they had to do was to find Shanvi's room.

It didn't take much effort and time of theirs as the colour of her room's entrance door was off white while others were brown. To their relief, the door to her room was not closed from inside.

Shanvi was fast asleep on her bed. Arjun swiftly injected her with the needle and picked her up in his arms.

"She is heavy," he whispered to Kiaan.

"So, what did you think, you have to carry a cotton ball?"

"Still, dude."

"We don't have much time Arjun." Arjun had no choice but to pick her up and moved further.

Namit and Dhruv were waiting in Dhruv's car on the backside of the house. Hredhaan stayed back at the house as he had to ensure everyone's safety before going to the boys.

Arjun put Shanvi on a chair when he and Kiaan went to the study room of Surbhi. They had to pick up some documents required by Surbhi. After they found them they picked them up as well as Shanvi and just like they had entered, got out of the house.

Dhruv got out of the car when he saw Arjun and Kiaan coming towards the car. Arjun After placing Shanvi in the passenger seat and giving documents to Namit, went back inside the house with Dhruv and Kiaan while Namit went back to Dhruv's house.

"What do you think? From where should we start?" Kiaan questioned Dhruv after the three had safely entered the house.

"The place where Aunty could have never doubted," Dhruv replied.

"Washroom?" Though Arjun suggested the idea out of fun yet Dhruv liked it as he said, "It's a good idea."

"But I was kidding," Arjun replied. He reprimanded himself for digging his own grave.

"Still you provided an awesome idea." Kiaan agreed with what Dhruv had said.

"I don't understand."

"Aunty had a separate washroom just like she told us. What could have been the best place than that for Naveen to hide anything?" When Dhruv told Arjun the reason he understood.

Kiaan and Arjun went towards Naveen's room while Dhruv went to the study.

Kiaan when removed the lid of the flush tanker found a spare black phone.

He confiscated the object in a plastic bag and continued with the search. Arjun was knocking on every tile of the floor to hear the hollow sound and just like he had predicted he heard the same from the tile placed in the fifth column of the second row.

Arjun removed the tile and was shocked when found some important files, files of the case Shrikant was working on years ago. There were a few more documents, contents of which left the boys shocked.

After thoroughly searching for everything, they contacted Dhruv through Bluetooth and informed him about their findings.

"We are done here," Arjun said.

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