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Being the middle child sucks. Specially if you have my siblings.

Rachel is my big sister, and unfortunately -for me, at least- the most popular girl in school. Wherever she goes she leaves a trail of broken hearts. Don't get me wrong, Rachel is not a bad sister, but she's a constant reminder of everything everyone wants me to be, but never will be. I mean, she's drop-dead gorgeous with her long hair and her runway model figure, not to mention, she's the head of the cheerleader team and she's so loving and compassionate it sometimes makes me sick. It's just not fair to be that beautiful, and still have that big of a heart.

Now, my brother is something else entirely.

Ryan, my not-so-sweet baby brother, is a jerk. Not only that, but he openly admits to being a jerk, and still seems to get every girl in our school to fall on his lap. He is the stereotypical bad boy, the guy that your mom and dad warn you about. Ryan almost never speaks to me, unless he wants something, and even then he acts as if he's entitled to everything as far as the eye can see.

My parents are great, but even them are a constant reminder of everything that I am not. They are high school sweethearts. Two years after they graduated they tied the knot and one year later came my sister. My dad is the president of the biggest law firm in the state of California and my mom is the perfect housewife and participates in so many charities that I can't even keep track.

This is my 'perfect' family.

My friends are great and I love them. But again, they are always one step ahead of me.

Leah is top of our class; I am second to her.

Natalie has the most incredible, thoughtfull boyfriend in the world; I have a crappy ex-boyfriend that cheated on me multiple times.

Jane is the prettiest girl in my class and seems to have a new boyfriend every week; I once found a list of the 'hottest girls' in our class and was second to -you guessed it- her.

These are my perfect friends.

So, you see my dilemma.

And now that you know what I have, let me tell you about what I could have.

Imagine this: the girl that's always not good enough has a chance to start over, in a place where nobody knows her and she can be whatever she wants to be.

That, for me, is the opportunity to go to St. Nicholas' boarding school.

It has been my dream ever since I started high school to attend to that school, and now, after begging my parents to change schools for almost two and a half years and getting accepted at St. Nicholas', my dream is finally coming true.

In less than two months I'll leave behind everything that I was not good enough at and starting a life where I don't have to be anything or anyone that I am not, a life of my own.

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