Chapter 5

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"Leah, I have to pee..." Natalie said for the fifth time since we left my house.

"For Pete's sake, Nat! You just went to the bathroom twenty minutes ago!" Leah said from the front seat exasperated.

"I'm not gonna complain. Jane ate all my chips and I need my snacks if I'm to survive the rest of this car ride." I eyed Jane and she gave me an apologetic look while tilting my bag of chips and getting the crumbs straight from the bag.

"It's only thirty more minutes, guys." Leah tried to reason with us.

"Pretty please? I swear, it's the last time I ask! I won't touch the water bottles again, I promise." Natalie said, almost begging.

"Oh, well. I guess..." Leah finally complied, giving an exasperated sigh. "But one of you will have to get me a candy bar. That is my condition." She said, looking at Natalie from the rear view mirror.

We stopped at a seven-eleven and Natalie all but ran to the bathroom, me and Jane entered the store and each went to look for more snacks to bring with us while Leah stayed behind to get some more gas for the car. After Natalie was done, she grabbed a candy bar and together we all went to the check out.

Back in the car, we continued listening to music and singing -or more like screaming- at the top of our lungs. We ate some of the snacks we brought back to the car and decided to leave the rest untouched, stuffing everything into our backpacks when we finally arrived at Oasis Springs Spa and Resort.

There was a huge archway covered with tropical flowers and a set of iron gates with a security guy in the little booth. We gave him our names and he quickly let us through and directed us to the parking lot of the biggest building.

We arrived, parked the car, unloaded it and started making our way to the reception of the hotel. The building must have been at least 20 stories high, with a little round about complete with a fountain at the front door. When we finally arrived at the glass doors, they automatically opened and immediately, one of the hotel staff came to our aid, helping us load our suitcases, backpacks and beach bags in one of those hotel carts, like the ones on Zack and Cody -don't judge.

The reception area was enormous, with tall ceilings, marble floors and crystal chandeliers. The walls were painted with a pattern of pale blues and whites, and all the furniture was made of wood. There were sitting areas, a full bar, the reception desk, an activities booth, another fountain, a gift shop and the most beautiful view of the beach, with the back wall being completely made out of floor-to-ceiling windows. It was mesmerising to say the least. There were people everywhere.

I was so mesmerized by the view that I didn't see someone walking towards me on my right. I guess they must have been distracted too, because one minute I was ogling at the view and the next, I was falling to the floor.

I waited for my side to hit the floor, but it never happened. Instead, a pair of strong arms grabbed me before I could fall. I turned my head to see who it was that caught me and found a pair of hazel eyes gazing into my own. They were, without a shadow of a doubt, the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Not only that, but the face that accompanied the eyes was just as beautiful.

A young man, probably on his twenties -or very close to them-, with the kind of face that you could never forget was holding me and pulling me up right. He was tall, about a full head taller than me. His face and body looked like they were sculpted by the gods themselves.

When I heard someone calling me from behind, I snapped out of my daze.

Oh my God! How long have I been standing here just looking at him?! He must think I'm such a creep.

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