Chapter 18

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The days passed and it was now Friday, the last day of orientation week. So far, we had met all the teachers, administration, psychologists, nurses, cafeteria ladies, and even the school's janitors. Then, we met all our classmates, and I have to say, there were a lot, and I couldn't even remember half their names.

We were shown around town to some local spots that we Seniors could go to on the weekends. There was the mall, some local shops, a drive in movie theater, restaurants, and we were told about an upcoming town fair, and a ski trip right before we leave for winter brake.

Today we had a clubs and activities fair at the plaza. We were supposed to go and maybe join some of those for the year. I had skimmed through the pamphlets that they gave me when I had just arrived and they had lots of clubs, like the mathletes, chess club, robotics, theater, creative writing and science, as well as the football, cheerleading, gymnastics, swimming, soccer, track and debate teams, amongst many more smaller groups.

I had decided that I wanted to try out for either the debate team or the science club, but not both, seeing as this was senior year in a new school, and I wanted to focus on my grades.

Ginna and I met up with Ari at the lobby of our building and headed out towards the plaza. The pathways were lined with different tables and booths with banners, pictures and posters, with some students sitting behind the tables and calling out for new recruits to the different clubs and teams.

"Ooh, let's go there!" Ginna pointed to a table with a banner that read 'Creative Writing' written in a pretty cursive. We got closer, practically being dragged by Ginna and as soon as the girl behind the table saw us coming, she got up and gave us a huge smile.

"Hi, girls! Did you know about our schools creative writing program?" She didn't wait for us to answer and just kept going, explaining different aspects of the club, including benefits. All the while, Ari listened intently, I nodded here and there, and Ginna was looking at a tray of iced cookies shaped like books.

So this is why she wanted to come here. Huh.

"So, if you're interested in joining or want to learn more about us, you can contact me here, or you can come to our first meeting." She gave us each a pamphlet, like the one I already had, and pointed at the contact information at the bottom of it, giving us another huge grin. "Hope you have a nice day! You can take a cookie if you want." She said, eyeing Gina's almost drooling expression and gave us a small smile. Ginna didn't even wait for her to finish her sentence when she grabbed two cookies and was off to another table with treats. This time, it was the mathletes. The girl waved us goodbye and Ari and I followed Ginna.

We saw each stand, and I was still debating if I should go for the debate team or the science club. We reached the football team table and there were four guys behind the table, sporting burgundy jerseys that read 'St. Nicholas' Kings' in gold letters.

"Hey, girls. How's it goin'?" The tallest guy said, and then turned to Ginna and smiled sweetly at her. "Hi, babe." He went around the table and hugged her before he kissed her.

I looked to Ari and she just shook her head with a small smile. "Together since last year." She smiled, answering my unasked question. I nodded in understanding and turned back to the couple just as they broke the kiss. He put a protective arm around Ginna's waist and she smiled widely.

"Riley, this is Hunter. Babe, this is Riley, my new roommate." She introduced us and he smiled at me.

Are all the guys here supposed to be supermodels or something?

"It's nice to meet you, Riley. You new here?" He said as we shook hands.

"Yes, and it's nice to meet you, too." I returned his smile.

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