Chapter 12

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The next morning, I woke up all hot and sweaty. I kicked the sheets off of me and turned around, trying to go back to sleep. But because I'm me, I fell off the bed trying to turn. I fell on my side, my hip being the first to make contact with the floor.

Just perfect.

Groaning, I got up and reached for my phone on the nightstand and found it to be charging. Someone must have plugged it in last night after I-

And then I remembered the waves, the stars, the truck and the fact that Noah's leaving today. What I don't remember, is how I got here? The last thing I remember is me talking about God only knows with him at the back of his truck.

Remembering why I grabbed the phone on the first place, I checked the time. 8:43 am. Oh, I hope the girls didn't leave me! They were not here in the bedroom with me.

Getting up quickly, I went to the bathroom, but found it empty. Then, I stepped out of the bedroom and was hit by the smell of coffee.

Natalie, Jane and Leah were all sitting around the table, eating what looked to be pancakes, omelettes and fresh fruit. They must have ordered room service.

"H-hi, guys." I said a little nervous, still a little scared of Leah and her threats from last night.

Those threats seemed from so long ago.

But then, Leah did something that I would have never seen coming.

"Riley!" She got up and practically ran towards me and wrapped me up on a bone-crushing hug. "You're awake! How did you sleep?" She stepped out of the embrace, letting me breathe, and gave me a huge smile.

"Uh..." I started and looked at Jane and Natalie for an explanation. They just shrugged and looked to be as confused as I was. "I'm fine. How are you?" I said, still a little skeptical about her whole attitude.

"Oh, I'm great! Come, let's get you some food so we can go enjoy this beautiful day." I looked at her with a confused expression, but nodded and let her guide me to an empty chair and sat down. Leah put in front of me a plate of steaming pancakes with butter and syrup, and I looked at her a little suspicious.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one giving her a skeptical look, because she laughed a little at us. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Because last night, you wanted to murder Riley, and today..." Jane began and let the end of her sentence hang in the air.

"Well, I've decided that life's too short to be mad at one of my best friends. And, since when is it a crime to be happy?" Leah said and gave us a huge smile.

Jane, Natalie and I just gave each other a look, and Natalie was the first to come out and say what we all were thinking.

"Something definitely happened last night..."

"So?" Leah said, still smiling brightly.

"So, shoot." I completed.

"I don't know what you-" Leah started, but Jane interrupted her.

"Cut the crap. What happened last night? After you came back, you had that stupid look on your face and went to bed." Jane snapped.

"Um... Well, you see-" She began, looking down at her hands. "Isaac may or may not have..." She said in such a low voice, we started inching closer to her, eager to know what this was about.

"Out with it, woman!" Natalie said.

"He kissed me!" Leah said and, after she realized what she had said, put her hands over her mouth and widened her eyes.

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