Chapter 8

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The next day after breakfast, we went to the pool and lounged around, with a couple of pamphlets of different activities inside the resort.

We decided to make an itinerary with the ones we liked the most. So far, tomorrow we were going to the water park, the next day would be a brunch and relaxation day and the day after that we were doing stand-up paddling. After that, we would decide between a visit to the Santa Monica Pier, having a spa day or just hanging around town.

The rest of the afternoon, we spent lounging and swimming around the pool, all whilst talking and laughing.

"Should I dye my hair?" Jane said absent-mindedly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, turning my head towards her from my lounge chair.

"Dye my hair. Like, should I go full blonde?"

"Jane, your hair is perfectly fine as it is." Leah sighed and gave a little chuckle.

"I think the sun's frying up your last brain cell, sweetie." Natalie added in a sing-song voice.

"Meh, you're probably right." Jane shrugged and signaled a waiter to come. "Could I get another coconut water, please?"

"Right away, miss." The waiter turned and left to get Jane's drink.

We continued to just lay and relax, enjoying the sun's heat. I was gonna miss this when I left for school in less than two months. St. Nicholas' is in Salt Lake City, Utah. Surrounded by the Rocky Mountains and under a blanket of clouds, I wasn't gonna get much of a tan.

My train of thought got interrupted when the same waiter from before came back.

"Your drink, miss." He gave Jane her coconut and she thanked him. I was expecting him to go, but to my surprise, he turned to me. "A virgin piña colada, from a secret admirer." He handed me the drink and I looked at it hesitantly and a little confused.

What in the hell just happened.

The waiter turned to leave and I gaped at him with an open mouth. I frantically looked everywhere around the pool, trying to piece this together.

"What the fu-" Natalie started but Leah interrupted her.


"Sorry. What the freak just happened?! Since when do you have a secret admirer!" Natalie corrected herself and Jane nodded in agreement.

"I have no idea! How should I know?" I said, still baffled by the whole situation.

"Oh, come on guys! It's Noah, obviously. How are you even questioning it!" Leah said exasperated.

"My God. That boy is..." Jane trailed off.

"... Something else entirely. That's a keeper." Natalie finished for her.

I took a sip from my newly acquired drink. If you think about it, it makes sense for it to be Noah. After all, he was there when I ordered the exact same drink yesterday. And if it were someone else, that would mean I have a stalker, and that wouldn't be very good.

If it was Noah, then this is very thoughtful. We've only had like three conversations -and not very long ones- but this is a very fancy and nice little touch. But I don't see him anywhere. Where is he?

There's no sign of Noah, or at least, not in or around the pool. This is so weird.

Still a little in shock, I continued taking sips of my drink while talking with the girls.


It was almost sun set when we finally decided to go back to our rooms and started getting ready for the party.

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