Meeting the team

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3rd pov

Danny wakes the next morning at about 5 in the morning. It's a little more sleep than he requires, but at least he can start his work out now. Danny had started a workout plan, after Sam had pointed out that while he had superpowers, and even fought people, his civilian identity needed a reason for sudden muscle, so he had started jogging every morning and going to the gym in his free time.

He starts with a nice test of all of his powers, letting him better further control over the ones he even appeared to already have under complete control. His ecto energy he now realizes, rather than being able to just condense it into balls to fire and around his hands to add more power, that as long as he's creative it can become anything. A whip, a rope, a gun, a sword, anything that he thought - he'd even tried a dragon, which had turned out rather well, if he said so himself - could be made with his ecto energy. His ice, being more fragile, had to be used more carefully, even if it is ghost ice and is nigh impossible to break. Other ghosts break it pretty easily. With his other abilities, he had gained control over his flight, invisibility and intangibility, enough that he could apply it to an individual part of his body.

He had always been a lean person and there's nothing he can do to help that, so all his muscle is lean and smooth, close to his frame, not the bugling things some people got.  After he finishes, Danny decides to help out since it's now 8 and he probably doesn't need to come in to work until 1 or so, or at least that's what he's assuming, since Bruce didn't tell him yesterday. He trows on a nice thin leather jacket, some finger-less white gloves and heads out, heading for the closest restaurant in order to get some breakfast. Maybe some chocolate milk, coco or coffee too, while he's at it. The first place he stumbles upon works and he enters the building, and decides this one works, after feeling the atmosphere. It's warm and cozy, like a home, and most people feel relaxed here.

"Can I get the hot chocolate and some french toast, please?"

"Right away, Sir."

Danny looks around, deciding to people watch as he's taken to doing. There's a couple a few tables over, a student studying alone a table closest and the closest table holds 6 teens. Three boys and two girls. For the boys, one with more build,black hair and blue eyes seems to be youngest, despite his build and height. The redhead and green eyed boy, despite his frame and build, fidgets a lot and talks real fast, accepting praise like a cat. The smallest boy, with black hair and shades on, is energetic and tiny, compared to the other two, but he also feels like the oldest mentally. The other boy, between the black haired and redheads heights, has tattoos and dark skin, but he's calmly watching over the entire table, more like a parent or big brother than anything. However, even Danny can see the affection and love around this guy. The girls are quite different, making their group diverse. One has blonde and the other has red hair, with brown eyes to go with both of them. Neither sticks out particularly, but this group seems close as a group.

Danny turns, deciding to ignore the fact that Robin, M'gann, Kid Flash, Artemis and someone - probably Superboy, the clone of Supes that Danny had been hearing about -  are sitting not even a full table away from him. He settles into his food after a quick 'thank you' having not eaten since lunch the previous day. After finishing, which takes little time, he stands and starts to walk away, passing by the table of teen heroes, in order to pay for his drink and food. 

"-really worried. You've not talked much since he showed up yesterday."

"Well, I mean, I just... I guess I had expected him to accept me, or least look me in the eye. He's not even talked to me since that first night he saw me. I don't know how much longer I can control my powers and temper without his assistance. What do I do?"

"I will talk with him. I've known Supes longer than any of you, and this has seriously disappointed me. I mean, this is just wrong. You're pretty much his son, and he's acting like you are some kind of vicious dangerous disease."

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