Meeting the other half of the team

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3rd pov

Danny and the others turn to the entrance, where several guys holding guns stand, none of them faltering. Danny, using his experience and age, easily takes note that none of them are wavering, and all look able to shoot, meaning they are professional killers. Bruce, he notes that the teens look unsure, since they're in civilian identity and can't give themselves away, but also not wanting to deal with it.

"Everybody get on the floor, now."

The heroes, though none of them realize it, all get on the floor, thinking they must bide their time and wait for the moment when they can strike. Several more people are in the lobby then the day before, a lady and her kid getting to the ground, along with a couple, a teenager and some adults. Danny takes a mental note where each person is, even the heroes, and then calmly watches the robbers. Hades and the kitten are both hiding behind Danny, using his shadow and the darkness of the chair he was sitting on to stay hidden. A glance back shows that  the dog and cat are both growling, though they're not looking at each other and aren't making a loud noise.

"You, you're Bruce Wayne, right? The owner of this company? I want all the money you have in this bag, in the next 5 minutes, or someone loses an eye, or an arm, maybe their life."

"But, I can't do that! The safe itself takes more than-"

The robber nods to one of his men, who grabs the nearest hostage - the teenager - and pulls them closer, aiming the gun at their temple, and then turns back to Bruce.

"You can and will, no matter what, or this one loses their life. What say you now?"

"The safe takes several minutes to unlock, more then 5. I can't speed it up either, ask any of the people here, they all know. Hell, Danny just moved here and he knows."

"Is that true?"

"Yep. You'd better bet that it is. Safe takes 25 minutes to unlock, just on its own. He might have money on him, but he's recently gotten back from lunch and probably only has a little bit left, the rest in an account of maybe given to his son as allowance. "

"Goddamit, we need that money now! Everyone, hand over the money you've got on your person now! If you refuse we will shoot this teen, and then we shoot you. none of us are against or even unwilling to kill you. Hand it over, now."

Bruce watches as they take the money from everyone, even the teens, though only Rob has money and it's only about fifty dollars. Bruce gives the a hundred dollars in his pocket, but when the robbers get to Danny, he's asleep and not really paying attention due to that. A swift kick to the side wakes him, and also forces a strangled yelp - mostly out of surprise, not pain - escapes Danny, who was honestly sleeping from how bored he'd been watching everything happening. 

Hades and the kitten, both angry, manage to not launch themselves, because Danny's hand is still lying horizontal behind him, and he grunts at the robber in front of him.


"Were you honestly sleeping? Are you stupid?"

"Sorry, I only got so much sleep, and you guys were being really boring and stereotypical."

He shrugs, and the pistol whip across his cheek has him wincing, and spitting out some blood.

"Hand over any and all money you've got."

The team had managed, with Danny's distraction, to get into the hallway, where they are changing into suit as quickly as they can. Kaldur, KF, M'gann and Superboy are done quickly, but Robin and Artemis still need to finish. They nod their team on, and continue to change, as they know how dangerous the situation is.

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