Phantom's protective

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It's not often that heroes came into the Team's headquarters, and even rarer for it to be heroes that they don't have teaching them something. Phantom had become a great and even soothing presence in the Cave, almost there every day, training Superboy. Phantom had refused to call him that, stating that he was training Conner, so he could be a better hero, not Superboy to be a better clone. The Team had even agreed - Conner had agreed, which was the deciding factor - to try and get him a new superhero name. Superboy wasn't all that famous yet and thus could easily change his name before it got too far.

The Team had taken an interest, wanting to know more about the - arguably - oldest and best superhero around. They also thoroughly enjoyed watching Phantom train Conner. There was something about the way he taught, he moved, he spoke that entranced them and they had all agreed they felt more relaxed after watching, even Conner. Training usually left him angry, but Phantom seemed to understand the root of his problem, and was treating him like a person.

It's not that the others weren't, they were, but there's something about having an older hero treat you like a person, despite knowing you are a clone, that has eased Conner into it - Batman doesn't count, ok? - and thus they all enjoy watching Conner and Phantom train. Canary was surprised when the Team came in and asked for group therapy, asking if that might be better for them, especially since Phantom had just suggested the same thing to her moments ago. He said they drew comfort from each other, and that helped them to grow stronger.

Canary agreed, and they set up 2 test sessions, both of which - Canary isn't even surprised anymore - go the best out of any of the sessions she'd had with any of the teens one on one. Phantom had been right, yet again, but the best thing for the team had happened today. Phantom had come in, ready to train Conner again, and they'd settled right in, with the teaming watching them. They'd gone outside, since their power and the backlash could easily destroy something - Phantom had pointed it out and cautioned Conner on how to learn to use different levels of strength for certain times - and thus the Team were off to the side, Kaldur sitting in the shade of a tree, resting his back against it, while Megan, Robin and Artemis are in the tree, and KF is enjoying standing so he can tilt his head without much effort to see the battle and lesson.

"Conner, what do you know about flying?"

"Uh, I know birds and some heroes can fly, some aliens, and that Superman can."

"Do you know how to fly?"

"The one time I tried was during our prison break, and I haven't tried since, I've had no time with training in more important areas and adapting to a team. And the outside."

Phantom nods, he gets that.

"Flying is not a physical thing. While, yes, there is a gene or mutation that has to take place in order for someone to be able to fly, most of it is mental. Your problem is not physical but mental. You're thinking ' this is how it's supposed to work'  or ' Superman can do it, why can't I?' and that's placing doubt on yourself. You can't do that, or you will not be able to fly."

"Ok, so.. be positive?"

"Yes. Think ' I will fly, nothing can hold me down' and ' nothing else matters' so you can focus on flying. I will be here to keep you from going too far up."

Conner nods and closes his eyes, relaxing in the way the Team always manages when in Phantom's presence. Phantom himself starts hovering a few feet into the air and then gently - and quietly, something the Team was getting more used to, two silent heroes, three with Batman - settles a few feet above Conner. The look in his eyes say and know that Conner is going to get this his first try, and as the Team watch, they can feel their elation as Conner starts to hover, first a foot, then 2, 3 and at 4 he pauses, a flash of uncertainty crossing his face.

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