Team meet Phantom

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3rd pov

It's not often Danny went to the Watchtower, but he was bored and there's nothing he can really honestly do. Bruce had called to say the building was being reconstructed, and they were adding more security. The teens - heroes - he had not seen since that last day. Sure, he played with Cerberus and he went for walks, but there was nothing to do, and the building was still being constructed.

Honestly, he wanted to be doing something as a hero, it grated on him that he was ignoring humans in need - the few he saw, at least - and it made the longing to transform stronger every time. He was sure that the other heroes had figured out he had left his town by now, but maybe that they hadn't. Maybe he should go to the Watchtower, and talk to some of the people up there. He wasn't sure who'd be there, but it was better than nothing at all.

Danny makes sure that Cerberus has water and food to last the day, along with his bed, cat litter and toys left out where he can reach them. He packs a bag, knowing he might go as a civilian at some point, and then takes off for the closest Zeta tube. It was the easiest way - and only - to get to the Watchtower, and as he's traveling - being a ghost, he feels the tube differently from the others - he transforms, taking on his ghost form for the first time since he ran away. It felt good, the cold washing through him and letting himself go. Being Phantom always was a nice feeling.

The tube announces his number, though honestly he'd never paid much attention to which number it was, nor did he care(for those who wonder, its A00, since he is the first teen superhero, or at least the first without a mentor, and the other superhero decided that needed to be commemorated) and he floats out into the room. The first heroes to spot him share smiles, before moving closer. 

"Hey, Phantom."

He turns and finds himself face to face with Flash and Green Lantern.


"There a reason you here?"

Phantom levels GL with an unimpressed look and even the Flash winces, that was super blunt and kinda rude as well. GL notices and backtracks as quickly as he can, waving his arms for emphasis.

"No, no, no, no that's not what I meant. I'm just wondering, cause you don't come up here all that often and, ya know, it's rare to see you."

"I guess that means you guys don't know yet. I was getting bored, nothing interesting is happening right now and I figured it was better to talk to some of you guys than freeze over streets and thaw them afterwards."

"True. What would you like to do? We have somethings we can do, but nothing too interesting."

"Anything has to be better than watching pain dry and peel, Flash. Anything."

"Yeah, that's-"

"Hey, Phantom!"

He turns , and black arms wrap around him, though he's prepared and manages not to fall. 


"You said you wanted to meet the teens, since you weren't able to last time, and I'm going down to train them. You want to come along?"

"Sure, why not? Bye, Flash, GL. Have fun with your somethings and don't bother people too much."

They pout and grumble, but it's all in good nature, since they are well known for being pranksters and having annoying competitions - literally, competitions to see who can annoy more people - and thus it is a fair warning, though from the grin they share, Phantom has a feeling they aren't going to listen to it. 

"Are you ready? The team has been really fascinated by some person they met, so don't be surprised if they don't immediately react to your presence. Hell, knowing you, you'll pull some prank on them as revenge, and this is there first time meeting you. That's gonna leave a wonderful impression on them, especially Robin and Superboy. Speaking of, think you can have a talk with Superman?"

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