Team see Phantom go full out

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Danny's pov

It hadn't been my intention to go all out, nor to get into a fight with Supes. However, I had noticed him hanging out and decided, while getting the team to safety, getting them healed - ignoring and going over their protests, to Canary's amusement - and getting them to where I could also watch over them, that I would talk to him. I hadn't meant for it to turn into a yelling at each other, let alone to a fight, but I was - and am - willing to do whatever it takes in order to get my point across.

We can't even fight on earth, since we'd mostly likely destroy a good part of it, so we agreed to do it in space, by the watchtower. It's a safe place for the team, where I can still sense them and they can get healed. Batman agreed to referee the fight - first to knock the other unconscious or surrender wins - and had also set a camera up in order to record the fight. I easily maintain my balance in space, since even though this is my first time without gravity, I have since grown deader and no longer require a suit to breathe in space.

I am still Phantom, since being human would not only out my secret identity to the other heroes - who still don't know, not even Bats though I honestly think that's more out of respect than anything - and also because I'd die. I don't require air when I'm a ghost, though I do the habits of a human - breathing, eating, sleeping - and thus most people forget that. Very few people have ever actually seen me go all out - not even the other supers have, since I almost never go all out, but Supes has managed to piss me off, and this is also a lesson that can only be learned through action.


I nod, aware there's no point in talking. Not yet, anyways. Superman nods, and then there's a silence as we wait for Batman to acknowledge and speak the word.


Without a thought, I lunge forward, already knowing how this fights going to go. Superman follows predictions, immediately going for his laser vision, hoping to get me to stay away, since I use so many ice based powers. That won't work on me, not with how many have tried to take advantage, I've gained an immunity, and so I simply go intangible, letting the heat go through me, since I'm strong enough for it to not burn through my intangibility. I easily power up an ecto blade, and use it to slash at Superman's head, aware he will duck. I watch as he jumps back, letting the blade go as it's not needed.

"You ready to listen yet?"

"I refuse to take responsibility for him! He is not my son, and he most definitely won't ever be."

"Except - " here, I easily teleport myself into his personal space, grabbing both his hands which he launched as attacks in a firm grasp and not letting up, easily moving with his movements - " he has your DNA, he is literally the only other Kryptonian alive, and he is perfectly capable of sentient thought. Doesn't seem much like a clone to me. As a matter of a fact, he seems a lot like !gasp! a person."

"I refuse to believe that. He was made by my enemy. To kill or replace me, both of which require me dead."

"Ya know, I never thought I'd have to bring Fajra - Esperanto for fiery - into this."

Superman hesitates and then has the gall to look around. I don't care that he's looking away - though, really you should never look away from your opponent, everyone knows that - but that he's looking away after I mentioned somebody else, like I need to ambush him or get someone else's help to kick his ass. I was going to go easy on him, but now he's managed to push me past any amount of anger I've felt and straight into a wrath like anger. I know now that he most definitely won't be winning now, and I think the other Superheros know too, with the amount of hissing and air sucked through teeth I can hear.

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