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I kept following the little girl towards the castle but soon I lost her in a crowd of demons, damn.

I tried to look for her, only to find shady guy over here. And he looks angry too, oh no.

Emalf: Dude!

Waru: Uhm... nice to you again?

Emalf: What you did before effin hurt! and get ready for round two. 

Waru: Oh boy... here we go again.

Waru just stand there waiting for Emalf to attack him. Emalf summoned some fireballs and lunge it at Waru hoping to hit him with it.

But just like before he dodge them all, easily too.

Emalf: Why are you so fast?!

Waru: Trust me  pal, you don't wanna know.

Emalf was tired after he used all of his mana trying to hit Waru and probably knocking him out and deliver him to the demon lord.

Waru use this chance to attack him, he quickly punch him in the face resulting in Emalf shade broken.

Emalf: You broke my effin shades.

Waru: And now you're not shady guy anymore, you're now the broken shady guy.

Emalf was furious at his joke while Waru thought to himself "Damn! that was a terrible joke".

Emalf tried his hardest punches ever at Waru then Waru deflect the attack and did the same thing as Emalf, he punched him with all of his strength resulting in Emalf flying almost across the world.

Emalf: We're not finishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

 Waru: Now the broken shady guy is done, I've gotta find that little girl.

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WARU IN HELL [MOGEKO] [THE FLAME UNDERWORLD]Where stories live. Discover now