Tired (a relatable story).

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Blinking my eyes sleepily, I had been dreaming so deeply. A good dream it was, I must say, but time to put it aside and get ready for the day. But I'm warm and cozy, and don't want to move, who wants to get back into the daily groove? Closing my eyes for just a moment more, standing up sounds like a bore. But it's not just for a moment, it's many minutes more, until I hear a loud knocking on my door. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, when will they ever stop? I finally get out of bed with a flop. Stumbling to the door, I open it, a man stands there, package in hand. I got up for this?! Oh my land! Snatching the box, I go back in and open it, I was only awake a little bit. An alarm clock was inside, with a note, the clock had travelled overseas, on a boat. My, it was an old friend, sending me a helping hand to lend. An alarm clock, that made chicken clucking sounds, so no longer could I fall asleep a second time, my sleeping choices were no longer mine, time for my laziness to draw a line.

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