What Is the Afterlife?

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Author's note,
The idea for this poem was not mine. It was my best friend's. So all credit goes to her.

I lay in bed wishing time could bend, I know my life is nearing an end. My heartbeat is slow and my body is weak, before I die, it is only answers I seek. What's waiting for me when my spirit leaves this earth? The pearly gates of heaven, or the fiery land of hell? Heaven must be a beautiful place, with angels singing and God watching over us. Hell must be awful, with fiery landscapes, and tortured souls succumbing to Satan himself. But maybe I'm not going to either of those places, maybe I'll become a ghost, wandering creaky hallways and flying through walls. Or maybe there's no such thing as the afterlife, it's only my soul, trapped in my dead body for eternity. As I lay in the hospital bed, with my family gathered around me, they don't know my thoughts and concerns, because I'm too tired to speak. Do they know what's going to happen, do they know I'm almost gone? Seeing watch me worriedly, they probably have a clue of what's about to happen. I can feel the mintues ticking, my time is almost out, my heart beats even slower, and I clear my mind. Of all my worries, all my concerns, absolutely everything, so that I may find peace when it's time to rest. I can almost see those pearly gates, where angels wait to greet me. But I also see the horned one, sitting on a throne of flames. I also picture the place I may haunt once I'm a ghost. "I guess it's time to find out." I think, as I draw my last breath.

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