Fantasy World

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Sometimes I long for a fantasy world

Where everything is bright and happy

Where we don't have to live the way society wants us to

And the world doesn't seem so crappy

My fantasy world would be a land of equality

Where no one pays attention to your race

Everyone is human, regardless of skin color

I wish this was the way it was in any place

My fantasy world would accept those that are LGBTQ+ with loving arms

Because they're not hurting anyone by being who they were born to be

Screw the homophobes, we'd put them in their place

LGBTQ+ would be accepted and cherished, cause all the wonderful people in it are just like you and me

My fantasy world wouldn't be politics

Cause the people would live in harmony with each other

Screw Trump and our messed up government

Together, as friends, we could manage alone, with one another

What a lovely world we could have

If we set aside our differences

And get along with one another

In a big, fabulous, fantasy world

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