Love Is Love

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Everyone's gay in some way

I'm bi

He's pan

They're ace

She's lesbian

Maybe you call yourself straight,

But you've have a same sex crush before

Everyone questions, when they get older

Sometimes it sticks, sometimes it doesn't

If you're a homophobe

And say we're going to hell

God created us this way

And He wants us all to love each other

So you're the ones going to hell

While everyone LGBTQ+ goes to heaven

I can't wait for heaven

Because if my statement is true

Everyone in heaven is gay

And I think that sounds pretty cool

You are special

And love is just love

Who cares about gender

If you really love someone

The world is so much more of a beautiful place

If everyone can accept

That you're not straight

And there's no need to ever hate

LGBTQ+ is real, valid, and lovely

So screw you if you think otherwise


Author's note: No offense to to anyone straight. This is only meant to praise LGBTQ+, and only meant to be offensive to homophobes and transphobics.

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