Chapter Five: Painless

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Nothing in this world is ever painless...or at least that's what I feel – right now as I listen to Creature Comfort by Arcade Fire, I feel like they are singing right to me. Even though I'm not really one of those girls.

I never really wanted to be famous, not really. I didn't really hate my body either. Even though I know I'm fat – hell I'm unhealthily fat...but at least I know I can get it off if I try...but that is the thing, I don't want to try. I just want the world to pass me by and leave me lying here...really I just want my depression to leave my brain and leave me normal.

I know normal isn't a thing – perfect isn't something either. Still, I wish I were normal I don't mean anything about my sexual identity. Even if I don't fully understand it at times I don't feel like that is my issue. I simply wish, even though wishing a bullshit idea at this point, that I wasn't depressed and that my neurons functioned in a way that....didn't make me feel like I were going to end up like Frankenstein's monster in Young Frankenstein...y'know 'Ab-someone'...y'know Abnormal.

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