Chapter Seven: The Supercut

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In my head I don't do everything right – in my head I don't have to do anything because we never happened. In my head I wash away. All of the sins of our relationship – the past the pain, the troubles.

In my head, we were only just friends. Sure, I wouldn't wash away everything – but everything toward the end...yes, hands down yes. I would have never had sex with you – I would rather be a thirty-year-old virgin than ever have sex with you in my past...but I can't change that, so instead I'm writing this in part for you but more for me. I needed to push you from my veins where you still exist like a slow moving poison coursing through my body. Slowly corroding every inch of me that you ever touched. Which seems to have been all of me, as we were friends and you used to call me beautiful. I almost believed you, that is until it was over.

Until you started to tell me that no one would ever love me like you did, and that no one would ever love someone like me. I had to ask myself – is that love? Is love being told that you aren't loveable and even though I've taken a long time to accept what I've been through I know that this whatever we had wasn't love.

It was someone's sick perversion with breaking someone body and soul.

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