Chapter Nine: Twenty, Twenty

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When my ex-boyfriend and I broke up, he wasn't exactly pleased. In fact, he told me "No one will ever love you the way that I did", which clearly isn't the smartest thing for someone to say during a breakup. Partially because you might actually fear that someone is going to love you the way that they had loved you. Something that will make you immensely nervous about dating in the future.

Dating, indeed, is something I haven't done that much of. As you can probably tell from the fact that I've only ever really been in four relationships – one of which was a sort-of relationship where we had both agreed we weren't dating.

Other than that, I went on a few probably ill-advised dates. Dates typically brought about by applications by tinder, plenty of fish, okay cupid and other dating apps. Sure, some people do well with online dating. People like my sister who meets a very kind person.

Honestly, a lot of the people that I dated, or went on dates with had some major red flags. Your date telling you I used to be in a cult in the first part of the date isn't really the smartest bet.

Even though nothing has ever stuck with any of these failed attempts it isn't their faults...well, I mean being hella creepy does kind of put a damper on the oh you seem nice factor that I always get when I'm first attempting to meet new people. Sometimes, its my fault or its no ones fault at all.

I do feel guilty for the responses I have given people in the past. More, I feel guilty about the responses I gave to people before I dated him. The responses weren't always mine. Friends in college, knowing how I have an aversion to hurting people would quite literally steal my phone from me and tell boldface lies. The one I feel the worst about is to the guy with my same first name – which c'mon it'd kind of seemed weird to me dating someone with my own name? Like whenever someone says "HEY JESS!" or even "JESSEEE WHAT'S UP?" because you never would know who they were talking to. I'd already had that issue with this guy when we had classes together because everyone would decide to call me Jessica and then get upset when I wouldn't respond. It would be like calling a Jaime a Jamison and thinking they'd know you were talking to them.

I WISH THIS WERE A JOKINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon