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This imagine is for @perksofbeingjun34

You and your best friend are in the car on the way to a party. You usually weren't the type to go to these things but you decided that you couldn't stay cooped up in your house watching Netflix forever.

You walk into the house and look around and realize you don't know anybody. You decide to just stay by bf/n so you turn around and they were already gone. You sigh and go to get a drink. You find a corner to stand in and observe. You are content until someone walks up to you.

"Hey I'm Ondreaz" he says sticking his hand out. "I'm y/n" you say shaking his hand. "I just noticed you've been standing over here by yourself for a while and maybe could use a friend?" He says. You laugh as your cheeks start to burn "uh yeah my friend dragged me here and then left me and I don't know anyone here I am" you shrug and take another drink. "Well this is actually me and my brothers party so I pretty much know everyone...except you" he says smiling. "Well now you know me" you say.

After a minute of silence that probably should have been awkward but wasn't, you look up when someone starts to sing. "Karaoke huh?" You say and look at Ondreaz, he just shrugs. You follow him over there. You watch the, very drunk, girl finish her song. "Do you sing?" Ondreaz asks. "Ha no I'm too shy" you say. "Oh come on I'll be right there with you" he says grabbing your hand and pulling you up to the front.

"Alright hey everyone" Ondreaz says and a couple people cheered. "This is y/n" he says gesturing to you "and she's gonna be singing..." he trails off waiting for you to finish. "Uh...riptide by Vance joy" you say already regretting this. "Okay awesome". You step in front of him and begin to sing feeling extremely awkward with everyone watching. You almost are to the chorus when you hear a guitar you look to the side of you and you see Ondreaz smiling at you.

With a burst of confidence you start to really sing your heart out, showing off the vocals that you have. You start to lose yourself in the song and as you sing the last few lyrics you realize you had been dancing without realizing it.

As the song fades out the whole room bursts with applause. "Yeah y/n!!" you best friend shouts out from somewhere in the crowd. You don't know why but you turn to Ondreaz and give him a hug. "That was so good!" He says into your ear. You walk with him back into the crowd with everyone telling you how great you did.

Ondreaz grabs your hand again and sneaks you outside. He takes you into a brick path through a huge backyard until you reach a little area with a fire pit. He starts the fire as you sit down and take a breath finally calming down. "You were really great" he laughs "I'm not sure what I was expecting but definitely not that". You smile "thanks for coming in with the guitar I was really nervous" he just smiles "I could tell" he says sitting in a chair next to you. "So you don't sing often?" He asks. "Not in front of anyone" you say looking down "I sometimes will write some lyrics here and there but..." you trail off shrugging.

"Have you wrote any full songs?" He asks "just one" you say. "Will you sing it?" He asks "uh" you say "I don't know" you feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks again. "Pretty please?" He says sticking his bottom lip out. "Uh okay" you shrug.

This is called 'Escape' you say. "Can I Uh borrow your guitar?" You ask gesturing to it sitting next to him. He hands it to you.

You start to play "never did I think I'd want you, always seen you 'round my way..."

You finish the song and look up at Ondreaz. "Wow that was amazing" he says standing up and walking up to you. He pulls you up and looks into your eyes. "Can I uh" he stutters for the first time that night " can I kiss you?" He asks which you think is the most adorable thing ever. You lean in and kiss him.

The song in this story was 'escape' by Kehlani if you didn't know.

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