Chapter 1

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Alex felt her breath hitch as she stared at the  endless black wall in front of her. It couldn't be there. it just couldn't. 

"Kaiden?" Alex called out timidly, Alex felt her bottom lip begin to tremble.

"Kaiden!" Alex screamed, trying to draw air into her constricted lungs. It couldn't be. 

They were supposed to have forever. this wasn't how it was supposed to go. Kaiden promised he wouldn't go. He promised he wouldn't leave. Alex trembled and resisted the strong urge to vomit. Alex walked subconsciously up to the wall and pounded her fist against the unforgiving surface, her heartbeat quickening with every blow. 

"Kaiden, Kaiden, Kaideeennnn" Alex screamed his name over and over again until her voice broke and she collapsed on the floor, violent sobs wracked her body as she played Kaiden walking away on repeat, the thought scorched into her brain. Alex pulled her knees up into her chest and hugged herself tight rocking herself on the spongy ground.

Alex and Kaiden were sat together, on a field. When Kaiden just got up and left. He didn't even say anything. He just left. Alex screamed and screamed and screamed until her voice was hoarse but Kaiden didn't look back just continued walking until he was engulfed in the thick grey shadows. She watched, helpless as it gripped Kaiden, raising him off the ground and tossing him through the air.  Alex gave up on screaming and began to run, sprinting blindly in the direction Kaiden went until the thick shadows solidified into the black wall separating her from Kaiden. Alex whipped her neck from side to side craning to see the edge and arched her back to look up at the wall looming over her. It was endless. It didn't make sense. Why was it here? Why was Kaiden on the other side? This was Kaiden. Kaiden must have done this. With one of his gifts. there was no other explanation. Why was Alex never good enough? Why did everyone hate her so much? She sunk onto the floor and once again hugged her knees into her chest and screamed into the howling wind as it whipped her hair around around her pale face. She screamed for the boy that she so desperately wanted but wasn't good enough. 


"Alex, shh, shh, it's okay. I'm here. it was just a nightmare, you're okay," Alex looked up into Kaiden's concerned face and burst back into tears. Kaiden continued to hold her as he stroked a loose hair behind Alex's ear.

"you know i'm always going to be here, right?" Kaiden asked his piercing blue eyes never leaving hers.

Alex hiccuped and looked up to meet his eyes, Alex knew Kaiden, she knew he would never willingly leave, but neither would Niyx or Lady Mystique or William or Blink... Kaiden must've felt her breath quicken as he gripped Alex at an almost painful level and wiped away a lonely tear that was forcing a path down Alex's face towards the now almost soaked pillow. 

Alex forced her body to relax and began to take deeper breath. Aven was gone, she was safe. Her friends were safe. As if recognising that Alex was more or less back under control, Kaiden reached in to gently kiss her. 

"How do you keep getting in here?" Alex realised when she began to think straight

"the headmaster added my bio- signature to your door" Kaiden said moving on to tracing invisible patterns on her back. Alex heard a shuffle and spun around so fast her neck cricked but it was only Dix rolling over in her sleep.

"you should get some sleep," Whispered Kaiden as not to wake up Dix.

Alex took one last look around around the room before realising the truth in his suggestion and rolled over. Despite knowing she should try and get some sleep for school the next day but despite Alex knowing it was a nightmare she couldn't get the thought out of her head. What if she wasn't good enough? What if Kaiden did decide to use one of his gifts on her and what if she deserved it. As if sensing her distress Kaiden reaches around Alex and hugs har tighter before whispering

"Accept it Alex," 

And so Alex closed her eyes and readily accepted the peace that Kaiden was offering using Gammy's gift and Alex drifted to sleep thinking about the fact that once again Kaiden had save her.

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