Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

Alex sat on her bed once again painting her nails with Dix in their dorm room.

"i think i made the right choice,"

"mhm" Dix didn't even look up and Alex had the sneaking suspicion that she didn't agree. Why would she? She loved Kaiden and desperately wanted them to have a happy ever after. Alex also knew - and hoped - that Dix understood and would support her.

Technically the new school year (Alex's last) would've started last week, but after the war so many parents kept their kids home and many teachers injured or also at home with their families meaning that tomorrow was officially the start. Despite this some of the more hard core teachers; Finn, Karter and Hunter had already started based on last year's potential tests.

Upon entering the food court Alex was once again taken aback by the elimination of the weirdly shaped, brightly coloured tables that every student in Akarnae had grown used to and the huge round tables in their places. Alex and her friends found their way to their year group table and tried their best to ignore the empty seats scattered around the once full table. Once again, in the food court Alex was the centre of attention, majorly by the first years who arrived late yesterday for their official tour and to meet their roommates. To them, having only heard stories, Alex was a bit of a legend and she absolutely hated it. As per usual the Darrius gave his welcome speech but sooner than normal the lollipop test appeared before them. Alex tried her best to ignore the lack of Jarvis' warm welcome speech and swallowed the lump in her throat before turning to the lollipop lying on the table in front of her and all of the other students.

For the first time ever Alex didn't even care about the lollipop. It wasn't until Dix gave her an encouraging look did she place the fruity candy in her mouth and swirled it around her mouth subconsciously savouring the bursts of flavour. Same as all the other years she placed her now devoured lolly stick in the plastic bag that materialised into her timetable in front of her eyes. She scanned her timetable disinterestedly until something jumped out at her; Combat - Beta






HER, ALEX THE PRODIGY, THE FIRST PERSON TO BE PUT STRAIGHT INTO EPSILON WAS BEING MOVED DOWN TO BETA. The one thing that i was good at. beta. what if i was never in epsilon. no i was never good enough. never good enough. beta. not good enough. I imagined it. I wasn't in epsilon. I was never good enough.

Alex felt a shiver wrack through her body. She needed to get out. Why was she still here?? She pushed back against her chair, hard but barely even heard the accompanied screech over the excited chatter of the rest of the school comparing their timetable excitedly as she ran out of the food court. Alex's thoughts were a blur as she rounded the corner and came face to face with a surprised Kaiden whose electric blue eyes immediately clouded with confusion and concern.

Why was Kaiden here? Now. He can't be here. Alex needed to protect him because of all the times he had protected her and she couldn't do that if he continued to protect her.

"Alex? What?"

Alex was once again reminded of her self promise to protect Kaiden and was almost overcome with sadness, god how was she going to survive this year?

"shhh, Alex what's wrong? come on you can tell me," Kaiden tries again.

No no he was wrong she couldn't. Why didn't Kaiden understand? She was trying to protect him.

"Come on Alex, what is wrong?! Why won't you talk to me??"

Alex struggled against Kaiden's tight grip. She needed to get away, she needed to protect him.

"LET HER GO KAIDEN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Dix's angry voice filled the hallway they were grouped in.

Alex looked up in surprise to see an angry Dix standing feet apart arms crossed and a more calm but worried Jordan. Declan on the other hand was staring at Kaiden as if unsure whose side he was on. Alex understood that if the time came then Declan would choose his lifelong closest friend. Despite his own worry his hand was clutched by a disinterested Bear and Alex was again reminded of her fear for her friend. Bear now constantly seemed to be staring at something in the distance and often just seemed distracted or even uncaring.

"But-" Kaiden tried

"Come on just let her go Kaid," Jordan adds but at least looked a bit sympathetic. Alex knew that her friends didn't understand why Alex was so determined to distance herself from her boyfriend but they were supporting them. She knew that they both wanted her to be happy - and with Kaiden - Jordan because she knew they had developed some sort of bond since Kaiden lectured him into apologising during Vardaesia and Dix because, well she believed in epic romances.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL HOLDING HER," Dix continued her rant but abruptly stopped when Kaiden dropped his arms in defeat and looked at Alex, his eyes full of hope and regret. As soon as Alex came to her senses she began to sprint, running along the empty corridors as all the students were still sitting eating breakfast in the food court. She glanced behind her and saw a worried Dix and Jordan jogging along the corridor torn between knowing she needed to be alone and wanting to help. As per what she thought Declan had moved towards Kaiden and Bear stayed with Declan.

Alex sprinted along the corridors until she came face to face with the grand arch above the entry to the library. Still running she passed the empty librarian's desk and down the stairs.

I need a place where I can be alone without my friends or anyone else can get in

Alex felt the Library's presence.

Are you sure that is what you want Alexandra?

No. yes. YES it is

Alex ran to the door that had appeared, grasped the cool handle until it disappeared and ran into the room unaware. 

I know. I really suck at updating but we have just gone back to school after covid lockdown so I have been rlly busy.

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