Chapter 7

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TW // self harm i'm not very good at writing but if you are easily triggered you might wanna skip this chapter xx

Declan's POV

Declan sat in his dorm and stared blankly out the window, his eyes followed Bear as he jogged around the frost covered oval, and god he wanted him, but it was hard. So hard. The other night he thought he had finally gotten through to him and began to open up and tell a rare childhood story involving his dad before he took a gulp of air and trailed off into silence. Honestly Declan was annoyed. Didn't he deserve someone who could help him too? No. that wasn't fair he decided, but he did hope that Bear would at least begin to open up to him. Surely he knew there was nothing him, Jordan or anyone else could do. He had just became so distant. Declan whipped around when he heard the door slam shut.

"Where have you been?!" Declan says, jumping to his feet. No one had seen Kaiden since he went running after Alex almost a full day ago, and despite knowing that Kaiden was most likely okay and that he did his own thing a lot, he had become a bit worried.

"i'm sorry I saw Alex at the library and then I hurt my hands and had to go to the med ward," Kaden replies sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Med ward? What did you do?"

"It was nothing. I'm fine," 

"And you saw Alex?" Declan continues.

"look I haven't slept in 24 hours and don't wanna talk about so can you please just leave me alone?" Kaiden snaps. Sitting on the bed and staring into his hands.

"Ok. Ok. fine, i'm going to go see if i can talk to Jordan after PE," Bear says moving towards the door.

"How do you know he has PE now, Dec?" Kaiden saws glancing up from his hands a smirk spread across his face.

"I saw him," Declan gets up and walks towards the window. "See there he is,"

Kaiden raises an eyebrow skeptically. "and it was Jordan you were watching?"

Declan blushes. "yes who else," he replies nonchalantly, walking back towards the door. 

"Bye Kaiden, I'll see you at Lunch,"


"Jordan, hold on" Declan calls out, legging to catch up to Jordan and Bear walking towards the food court. Declan watches Jordan say something to Bear and points towards the food court. 

"I'm really worried about Bear," Jordan says after Bear had walked into the food court alone.

"Same. That's what i wanted to talk to you about actually. I don't know how to help him," 

"I don't think he's sleeping," This wasn't a surprise to Declan.

"obviously. Have you seen his eyes?" Declan snaps.

"I'm his roommate. Of course I have,"

"i'm sorry i'm just worried," Declan apologises.

"What if we switch rooms, maybe Bear would be better with you there?" Jordan suggested.

"Come on there is no way that the headmaster is going to agree with that. It's completely against the rules for a student to sleep in an apprentice dorm," 

"Just promise me you'll come and check on him with me tomorrow," Jordan compromises

Declan hesitantly nods in agreement before walking into the food court to join Bear. Declan scans the food court, seeing Bear sitting with Kaiden and Dix sitting with Alex on the other side of the room. The two boys look at each other awkwardly before splitting and each moving to their seperate ends of the room. 

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