Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

The woods didn't seem to effect Alex anymore, In fact the majority of stuff Alex would've cowered before seemed indifferent to her. Standing in the stupid clearing in her stupid black cape with her stupid classmates, Kaiden must have noticed her anxiety as he tightened his grip around her waist and willed her to relax. Alex once again was grateful for the headmasters support as hunter disobeyed is own no relationships rule in pairing Alex with Kaiden for their paired project. 

Alex pulled her thoughts back to the present and onto task. Kaiden was reading the little note over and over again.

Find what has been missing along the path.

"right Alex?" Kaiden asks

"huh" Alex said and realised how distracted she'd been

"sorry" she apologised hastily.

"i said there must be something missing," 

"Right," Alex agreed half heartedly. She knew Kaiden must be getting fed up with her distractedness but he never stopped being supportive. As she was watching him check the back of the note she stumbled once again and Kaiden pulled her up.

"woah, easy"

Alex tripped over her third wire and spun around as the trap triggered the metal cage to fall from the canopy, Kaiden pulled her out of the way in time for the cage to crash onto the soft forest floor. Alex stared at it in shock for a second before she shivered suddenly feeling alone as memories began to float to the front of her brain.

bear's family, starving, dying, strung up like animals, William dying, because of aven, because of her. 

Alex felt her breath speed up as images flashed through Alex's mind. Dix lying in a pool of her own blood, Jordan being stabbed over and over again, the city in flames, Xira's heart... everyone dead... but her. Kaiden being stabbed by Aven himself. Aven. The meyarin who fell in love with her. Who killed all of the mortals because of her. She wanted to scream. 

It was all my fault. i shouldn't be here.

"WHY AM I HERE" Kaiden gathers Alex up into her and hold her hand's still from where they were desperately trying to tug at the roots of her hair. Alex looked into his piercing blue eyes.

"i want to die Kaiden. i shouldn't be alive. why am i still alive" 

"no you don't Alex. No. don't say that Alex. You don't mean that. You stopped it."

Kaiden was lying. Why was Kaiden lying. She, Alex, needed to get away. why was she still here? She's going to hurt Kaiden. Just like she hurt the others. Maybe if she died then everyone would come back. William, Skyla, javis, Blink. everyone. They were all her fault. 

Alex thrashed around desperately trying to free herself form Kaiden's grip but he gripped her tight to his chest. Eventually Alex's screams subsided to sobs as she soaked Kaiden's shirt with her tears and her voice turned hoarse. Kaiden stayed next to her. holding her tight and softly stroking her hair even when Alex was punching and kicking him, desperately trying to free herself, Kaiden didn't let go. 

"Shhh, sleep you won't be sad when you wake up" Kaiden whispers into Alex's ear and places a soft kiss on her lips. 

As Alex drifts off the sleep she realises Kaiden was right. But she also realised that she had to protect him and that anyone she spends time with is in danger. She couldn't do that to Kaiden. After all he had done for her.


Alex woke up with a start unsure about where she was before she took in the familiar white washed walls and felt embarrassment rush through her body. It was bad enough that Kaiden had to see her like this but Fletcher and probably the headmaster? 

"Alex?" Alex rolled over carefully and was immediately trapped in Kaiden's concerned gaze and was reminded of her decision last night. 

"Kaiden you need to leave now" Alex squeezed her eyes shut against the pure hurt splashed across Kaiden's features. 

"Alex you know I don't blame you. It wasn't your fault. I love you Alex" Kaiden reaches for Alex's hand but she flinches away.

"No. You don't get it. You need to leave now." 


"JUST GO" Alex was shouting and tears were once again streaming down her face. 

"Here Kaiden, I think you should leave now," Alex hadn't even realised that Fletcher had ducked inside the curtains. Kaiden took on last hopeful glance at Alex which wasn't returned before sliding the curtain out the way and walking out of the hospital wing. Fletcher looked sympathetically at Alex before quietly adding.

"you should get some rest."

It was at this point that Alex noticed the small white card on the table next to her bed. She slowly reached out her arm to grab and read it.

"You're perfect"

It was clearly rushed but still neat in Kaiden's curly handwriting. She squeezed her eyes shut. She was doing the right thing. She couldn't risk hurting Kaiden. Without realising it she began to trace over the letters. You're perfect. You're perfect. You're perfect. You're perfect.

Lie. such a pity it's a lie.

I know this took longer than I said it would but i've been really busy

But its my birthday today im finally 14! :)

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