Chapter 2

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Declan's POV

Declan cracked open his eyes and took in the empty bed opposite him, Kaid must be back in with Alex again. Declan slumped back down onto the comfy bed, god he loved the lady Omar dorm that he and Kaiden were upgraded to when they became apprentices, him in combat and PE and Kaiden in the same as well as stealth and subterfuge. He rolled over with grunt and fumbled with his ComTCD to display the time '6:30' he didn't normally wake up this early but at least for once he would be able to have to time check in on Bear before heading to the food court for breakfast. 

Declan rested his knuckles on the cool wood of the door, plastered a bright smile and rapped until an equally ecstatic looking Jordan swings the door open. 

"good morning" Declan says cheerily, inviting himself into their small room. Bear sits up ashen- faced and offers a weak smile in his direction. It wasn't much but it was an improvement on the past blank looks and untouched meals. He walked over to sit on the edge of Bear's bed and gave him a quick kiss before pulling him up and pushing him affectionately towards the bathroom.  After hearing the door click shut he spun around to Jordan leaning backwards against the wall across the room from him, his eyebrows disappearing above his hairline. 

"what?" Declan asks defensively, "it's helping, i think"

"oh its definitely helping," Jordan says smirking pushing himself off the wall. "but make sure you don't help too much around me"

"Like you can speak," Declan snaps back, smirking before sarcastically opening up the window and calling out "Dixxxxxx Jordan wants you!!" 

Both boys spin around suddenly to a slamming door.

"ahh dear Delucia, Jordan was just asking for you," Declan says completely straight faced keeping eye contact with the princess until her annoyed glare became too much and he smirks, proud of his skit. Dix, finished with Declan spun towards Jordan. Thankfully at that moment the bathroom door swung open and Bear walked out looking a little more like himself in comfy tracksuit pants and sport shirt. Declan turned back around to Jordan and Dix 

"Right, well, um.. Bear and I are gonna go get some breakfast... see you later," He said grabbing Bear by the hand and practically dragging him out the door and down the hallway. They had made it almost half way when he heard the pounding footsteps of Jordan and Dix running to catch up with him. 

"Hold up guys. Geez. We found Alex and Kaiden," Dix managed to get out in between gulps of air.

"Why are you so puffed?" Declan asks, glancing at the short hallway and immediately regretting the question when he locked eyes with Jordan. 

"What if she's puffed because of something other than running," Jordan replies smiling at the playful hit his girlfriend replies with. 

"Can we just meet Alex and Kaiden and get out of here?" Dix said anxious to move to a new topic. The group began walking back towards where they came from until Kaiden and Alex rounded the corner. Declan waved at the pair and received a friendly wave from Kaiden a weak smile from Alex. 

"Alex, I was wondering if you had a second?" Declan spun around at the voice and was surprised to see the headmaster walking alongside his small group. 

"Yeah I guess" Alex says scanning her timetable before adding "I have Karter first period and i really don't think he'll appreciate me being late,"

"I'd say that would be correct" Darrius chuckled in response. Declan watched the pair turn towards the grand staircase and begin to ascend, assumably to his office. Walking into the food court Declan was once again surprised that the academy had managed to stay open with such a loss coupled with the large amount of parents keeping their children home, deeming it unsafe. The large staff table was now missing Jarvis and almost three quarters of the scattered desks were empty. As the group sat down at their usual circular table Declan was glad it was kept open. As usual the group was plagued by the curious glances of the other students as almost everyone knew that they were friends with Alex and well she saved everyone and so is kind of a celebrity now. Both Declan and Kaiden finished their breakfast a good 10 minutes before the gong so they slowly trudged to epsilon combat partly to see what the headmaster wanted with Alex and partly because Declan felt that he hand't spent any time alone with Kaiden for along time. Declan knew that it wasn't anyones felt but he was annoyed. Either Declan was comforting Bear and Kaid was with Alex as soon as he had thought that he regretted it. It was Aven's fault and no one else's.

"how's Alex?" Declan asks glancing at his friend.

"Fine" Kaiden replies immediately


"there's no point lying to me. You must know that" Declan points out. eternally grateful for his internal lie detecter deciding to ignore the fact that anyone who'd seen Alex in the past week could see straight through the obvious lie. 

"I know, Declan. I'm just so worried about her she hasn't changed. she still hasn't slept through a night."

"Your not the only one. Who's worried i mean" 

Declan and Kaiden shared a glance, both equally worried for their friends. 

Upon arriving at the arena a few minutes early both Declan and Kaiden studied the room before legging towards Alex who was sitting on the side stretching.

"What was the meeting with the headmaster about?" Declan asked, curious

"Just checking in," Alex replied almost too soon and Declan gratefulness for his gift instantly vanished and was replaced with annoyance at Alex's. For the second time that morning Declan and Kaiden glanced at each other worried.

I know I took so long to update but i honestly wasn't sure whether I was going to continue. And i'm sorry for how short and sucky this chapter is but honestly I felt bad and thought i'd publish it anyway...

I promise the next chapter will be longer and hopefully much better and should be in next few days.

Hope you're all staying safe from covid 

Vote, comment and follow if you want  :) :)

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