Three - Innocence (T)

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3.9k, warnings: drunken shenanigans, teasing kissing and groping, Tom's sugar daddy kink

summary: On the way home, Tom wonders what's gotten into you tonight to make you this brazen.

That same night — Late November

Tonight, everybody wanted to get as smashed as possible after several weeks of hard work and traveling all over the place, but Tom's instinct kicked in the minute you switched from beer to cocktails. He wasn’t trying to be overprotective, but he wanted to stay as conscious as possible because he knew how you got when you drank.

You don’t take alcohol that well, most likely because you don’t go out that often either. Tom knows the university party scene isn’t really your style and that one of your roommates keeps you company several nights of the week, both preferring Netflix over any type of social interaction.

This was necessary, though. Tonight was about forgetting one of the hardest terms you had to work through, and even to Tom, the thought that it was almost over but not quite was disconcerting. He’s aware of the several drafts for the numerous essays you need to work on for class, of exams being just around the corner, too, so he understands how much steam you needed to let off.

That was one of the reasons why he had decided to take this impromptu break. The original plan had been to relax in New York City with his twin brothers, but your frustrated rants over the phone were enough to force him into another decision. Harry trailed along, being the faithful brother he always is, which was how they ended up back home for what was only a five day weekend. In any other occasion, Tom would have never left the States, but yours is a different case. He doesn’t want to be that guy, but he is that guy anyway.

The guy who watched over you as you downed pint after pint, and as you went through several other types of liquor the whole night. As you got crazier and wilder than any of the other guys, getting tipsy rather quickly since you were already giddy from exhaustion and stress overload. Tom doesn’t mean to worry about it because he knows you can take care of yourself, but he couldn’t ignore the tug on his chest telling him to skip every other round as the group ordered more drinks.

And then you had to go and be a mouthy drunk, going between him and the rest of the guys comparing their noses. It was harmless and your drunken comments did make everybody laugh, but Tom practically had to shut you up before you got into a fight with one of the others. The only thing he didn’t do was covering your mouth with his hand, but he wanted to, especially after you made that joke — or what he hopes was a joke — about his dick. That was the final straw.

Now that your ride is here, you get into the car first, Tom right after, but you immediately pull him on top of you, making him squeak as you try to get settled into an only half comfortable position. First, you let him adjust himself the best he can, but he ends up half sprawled on your lap, the small of his back against your thigh and his head cradled in the crook of your elbow.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Tom. You're so pretty,” you hum, leaving his beanie in disarray when you try to caress from the back to the top of his head. He ends up removing it so it will stop tickling his ears, letting you scratch your nails over his new hairdo.

It was somewhat of a surprise, this buzz cut he's been sporting for the past few weeks, even to himself. You both knew he was going to do it almost as soon as he got the role he’s been working on, but honestly? He hadn’t expected to like it this much considering how his hair had been such a thing during his whole career.

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