Six - Unbent (T)

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9k, warnings: Tom upsets Tessa :( ; mentions of clubbing and drinking, mild angst; explicit thoughts and strong language

summary: Tom needs to talk to you about what you may have seen at the club, but is he really ready for this?

"Shit, do you mind?" Tom rushes, throwing his phone onto your lap so you'll complete tonight's ride for him and opening the car door before it's even pulled to a full stop. "I gotta run."

"I guess," you reply, but he's already stepped out because he absolutely needs to go. Like, right now. He should have used the loo before leaving the club. You did, Harrison did, but of course Tom felt fine and thought he could last until he got home. Technically, he did. Just not long enough.

"The keys, you loser," Harrison's singsong voice comes from behind him.

Tom curses, halting and spinning on his heels mid-squawk. Of course he needs the fucking keys, and trust his fogged up brain to forget about them before leaving the car.

"Thanks," he grunts at you, grabbing them from your outstretched hand. Sometimes he has too much faith in himself and ends up looking like a fool. Or, to call a spade a spade, he's just a proper idiot.

Tom goes past the front gate, then up the garden path, straight to the door. Everything inside him is clenched to a maximum. But of course, as soon as he shuts the door with a slight bang behind him, Tessa comes up to him wagging her tail.

"Hey girl," he says quickly, stretching his free hand but not even touching her in his rush to the bathroom. "Not now, okay?"

"Not now, Tess," he repeats when she pitter-patters around him to stop right in his way. Her eyes gentle and begging, but his mind and body are somewhere else entirely.

"Tess, no, stop," he tries a little harshly, but she doesn't cooperate this time. She not only slips in between his legs, making him trip, but also presses her muzzle into his right leg.

She pushes and Tom loses his balance, supporting himself on the nearest wall. "Shit, shit," he calls, mostly a warning to himself as he tries to hold on. Every nerve in him tingles and squeezes, and he's on the verge of relieving himself right here all over the hallway before he even reaches his destination.

At another press of Tessa's nose into his leg, Tom remembers that he was helping you at the bar, back at the club, and you were turning to him with your hands full when some dude knocked into you and made you spill beer over Tom. It wasn't bad at the time, but the stench certainly attracted Tessa's interest. Which is something that Tom does not need right now.

"Tessa! Go off!" he exclaims, harsher than he intended, but his brain and his groin are too synched up and he's about to fucking lose it.

It's enough to get her out of his way, a small, hushed whimper echoing in Tom's ears just as he pushes the right door open.

Afterwards, thinking of how the original plan for tonight was changed at the last minute after Tuwaine's request to support his friend's band who had a gig at the club, Tom realizes it's not too late to go back to it. The idea of hanging out until they drank the last beer in the house or until someone passed out from lack of sleep (it would probably be Tom himself) sounds appealing now that he's refreshed, thus he goes looking for his friends.

Tom finds his phone first, thrown haphazardly onto the small console table in between the door, the stairs and the hall to the living area. He grabs it while taking his shoes off to leave them with everybody else's. The lock screen lights up, showing him nothing but a picture of Tessa sitting on his parents' couch. Shrugging, Tom pockets it and gets back to his previous mission, padding in his mismatched socks towards the living room, where he does find the rest of the boys.

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