Prologue (T)

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2.3k, warnings: fluff fest, Tom reads your journal

summary: Tom comes back home from walking Tessa and finds something that might not have been meant for him to see.

Early October

Not much in Tom's life can compare to being outside, under the rare London sun, in the company of one of his best friends. He has spent a big part of his life away from home, either working through twelve-hour days or resting in a posh hotel room with more amenities than he would ever indulge himself in.

In the first months of this year alone, he's wrapped up a few filming projects, he's traveled in private jets and in first-class seats on public flights across at least three continents, he's shared the studio and the screen and the red carpet with some of his idols, but no other place, no other event, no one else has been able to make him feel this fulfilled.

Not like her. His gorgeous Tessa.

Her muscular back ripples with every motion of her legs as she strolls down their usual dirt path at the park. It was a fun date, just the two of them playing surrounded by a few other families, adults, children, and pets altogether. The mid-afternoon sunlight reflects off of her grey coat and makes it glisten beautifully, more than usual at least. Watching her stroll freely is nothing short of peaceful, her leash draped carelessly around the back of Tomʼs neck.

An idea pops into his head like an autumn breeze. He wants to savor this moment, wants to share it with his friends and followers knowing they will enjoy it almost as much as him. Besides, the memory of this casual afternoon will certainly be something to be thankful for later on. So he fishes his phone out of his pocket and opens the camera app, using it to record his faithful little princess as she struts down the path.

It couldn't have been timed more perfectly because a squirrel ventures across the road and Tessa sets off after it, obsessed with them as she is. In the end, the video that he posts on Instagram includes a freaked-out squirrel climbing up a tree, his panting dog trying to catch it, and his obvious laugh at the end.

The reactions start pouring in immediately, but he shuts them out as a force of habit. What he does do is rewatch his own story to make sure it's posted correctly, a lesson learned after several mishaps over time. It's an embarrassment that he has to do this with every post, but he'd rather be safe than sorry.

After clipping the leash back onto Tessa's collar to keep her from hunting down that poor squirrel, Tom lets her guide him home as he focuses back on his phone. He checks out a few stories, from friends and colleagues and meme accounts he started following when he was too bored, then the first few posts on his feed, but soon scrolling becomes a hassle and he shuts it off haphazardly.

He's almost back home anyway.

The house, which is usually loud, has been strangely quiet for a while. His brothers have been out the whole week, off to do some twin bonding thing before Harry takes off with Tom for another filming job. Both Harrison and Tuwaine have been gone for days, too, probably for work. Tom doesn't really keep track of his roommates. Eventually, they will all get back together and they'll be going to a pub quiz, and that's all that matters.

But today it's just you and him, which is just as amazing. Things have been slow since this summer, after the longest half-year he's ever had. Thankfully, he's had the chance to stay in London since then, with only a couple of photoshoots and phone interviews and a few other commitments to keep him busy. At the time, you still had your job on campus, but as soon as you got off work, Tom was able to drag you somewhere fun with him.

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