Chapter 3

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"The trap is set, now we just wait," Tim says sitting on the rafters with Jason above their trap.

"Nice, they all said yes to the plan and to call them when we need them," Jason says sitting down beside Tim.

"Sweet, think we should take Babs as well or give the team a little relief?" Tim asks looking at his wrist computer to make some final adjustments. 

"Leave her, she knows our plans and will play in our favor. She was the one to tell us to make them fight for their victory because this is a test for them." Jason reasons.

"True," Tim agrees.

"I heard Shiva called you in to train some recruits, how was it?" Jason says.

"Boring most had big egos that I had to knockdown. You know I think Shiva gives the hard ones to me so she doesn't have to worry about them being overconfident. What about that job Dick asked you to do?" Tim ponders looking at him.

"Too easy, they were a bunch of rookies. None of them had ever fought a Bat, much less seen one up close. I think Dick forgets we trained with Shiva for a year." Jason comments.

"I wouldn't doubt it. That or he likes to pretend we are as innocent as we look." Tim agrees calmly. 

"Us? Innocent? Ha, he knows better," Jason laughs.

"True, are you ready?" Tim asks.

"Hell yeah," Jason cheers quietly.

"Here they come," Tim says getting ready to pounce. Jason following his lead got into position. 


Down the Hall

Everyone was on guard except the Bats. No one dared to talk in fear of getting caught. The Bats knew that wouldn't matter to the little trolls, never did. The Bats finally felt the presence of their younger brothers.

"They're here," Nightwing said turning in a slow circle looking around.

"I can tell, just where the trolls hiding this time?" Batgirl says looking closely at all the shadows.

"What do you mean by that?" Beast Boy asks frantically looking around completely missing the twin flashes of red above him.

"What I mean by that is we can't find them," Batgirl states looking directly at the team before turning to look at Nightwing. "Wait, didn't Red get called in to train the recruits today?"

"Shoot, yeah he did. Plus I had Hood take care of that new drug ring today, as well." Wing replied looking worried now.

"Wait, Hood, as in the Red Hood took care of a drug ring for you?" Bart asks both excited and worried. 

"Yeah," Nightwing answers calmly even as he looks around more carefully.

"You're an idiot. I'm going to call in Black Bat and Spoiler now. And you know they are more likely to help them than us." Babs sighed before stepping off to call them in.

"I know, but I don't think they will get here in time even if they were to help us." Dick sighs.

"Oh, how true. They are on the other side of the city dealing with Dent and Cobblepot, but by all means, try." A voice echoes around the room scaring the team.

"He's right, we're on our own, even Robin isn't nearby," Babs sighs.

"Joy, this going to be fun. I always wanted to play with the newer heroes." Another voice cheers.

"I think it's time to play, don't you?" the first voice asks.

"I agree, let's play," the second replies. Suddenly 2 figures dropped down onto the team. 

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