chapter 2: A good or bad situation?

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Hanzo's POV

All the classes were suprisingly nice, sadly all good things come to an end.
It was time for gym and I absolutely dreaded the idea. I had asked the internet what some America Schools are like and the thing that worried me the most was changing infront of others, being gay wasn't the worst of it.
People would see his marks which would absolutely destroy him. It was foreign and he hated wearing short clothes.

Third person

As soon as everyone was changed and left Hanzo felt at least a little more comfortable in the locker room, he still felt pretty anxious and changed as fast as possible both from anxiety and to avoid speculation.

(In my school we do exercises and laps then we spend a little bit of hours doing anything outside.)

Hanzo POV

I got in the lineup and started doing the standard exercises, they were boring and tiring but nonetheless I needed an A in this class.
My eyes wondered around my surroundings and then they landed on Jesse, he was a sight to behold, he had his shirt off which didn't in anyway help my situation. Sweat was dripping from his well-toned body he was incredibly muscular and I just wanted him fuck me- what the fuck did I just think!?
... He's looking at me. He winked at me.
Oh god.

After the exercises we got in line to the laps, everyone was bragging about how fast they were, I looked over at Jesse and he had a confident and dare I say cocky look on his face.
I was going to Leave.Them.In.The.Dust.

Long story short, I was first to finish the laps while Jesse was in second, then I realized the weight of the situation, What if he was upset? I looked at Jesse he was staring at me with a look of admiration and he almost looked love struck.... But that couldn't be possible, right?
Jesse didn't even know was looking at him too, until he did...he started walking over to me.

I am panicking, what will he say when he gets over here. What if he saw my marks? What if....everyone saw my marks?
I snapped out of my thinking when Jesse was right infront of me.

"Hey Hanzo!"
Oh shit.

"Well slap my ass and call me Patrica I've never seen a man run so fast without fallin' flat on their keister after, you even beat my record, you really are somethin' else.
There's still a few hours of free time left, we can sneak out and buy ourselfs lunch for later if you wanna come with me"

I've never snuck out of school before but I guess today marks the day of my rebellion.

"Sure, but we're coming back for lunch and the rest of school"

"Alright darlin' you got yourself a deal"

"Why are you calling me such an inappropriate nickname?"

"Because I like givin' cuties' nicknames"

I immediately regretted my willingness to sneak out with him but I have to admit it was kinda... nice.
Sorry for the wait, I hate how natural procrastination is to me at this point but if you have any suggestions let me know🥰

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