[ Chapter Nineteen ]

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chapter 19

Guess Who✧∞༺♥༻∞✧

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Guess Who

   "Elena," Elizah called out as she slowly opened the front door to the Gilbert home. She poked her head inside and craned her neck around the door, trying to listen in on the muffled voices that filled her ears. However, the sound of running water overlapped them, blocking Elizah from figuring out who those voices belonged to.

Elizah rolled her eyes.

Elena and her paranoid tactics, she thought.

This wasn't in her plan for the day at all. Elizah was prepared to avoid this house as much as she possibly could for the rest of eternity. Of course, she knew that was a bit dramatic on her part but the escapades that took place two nights ago were enough to make her want to leave Mystic Falls and never return.

To run.

Elizah was used to running. She and her siblings had been on the run from Mikael for as long as she could remember. They'd never been able to enjoy their lives to the fullest -- without looking over their shoulder.

Then, Elizah met Céline and she was willing to stop and smell the roses. After the accident, she knew there was no reason to stay anymore. Her beloved had perished, and at the hands of her own inner demons.

Her drinking only got worse after Céline's death. Elizah mostly blamed herself for growing such an insatiable appetite for a burning liquid. She also blamed Céline in part, for letting her guard down and allowing herself to become vulnerable with a monster.

Elizah was hazardous. She knew it, her family knew it, and if Bonnie Bennett ever let her guard down, she'd come to the realization as well. That's the one thing that Elizah didn't want.

When she walked into the kitchen, not necessarily focusing on the voices anymore and half expecting it to be empty, Elizah's heart stopped at the same time her feet did. Her eyes locked onto Bonnie who sat at the counter with Elena. Their chatter ceased upon Elizah's unexpected arrival and all of the comfortability was sucked out of the room. 

   "Oh." Elizah said as she stood frozen in place. "My apologies."

The doppelgänger forced a smile onto her face and gestured toward her best friend. "Hey, look who's back."

   "Bonnie. What a surprise." Elizah nodded to the witch who gave her a hesitant smile before quickly diverting her eyes. She looked at Elena with an unreadable expression. "I didn't think you'd be returning so soon."

"Like you said, surprise." Bonnie threw her hands in the air to display what was supposed to be excitement but instead, she looked as though she wanted to shrivel up and disappear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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