Chapter 17

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hi everyone. I'd like to say thank you so much for reading my story and I appreciate it. 

Spys POV

My eyes fluttered open as I slowly regained consciousness. Images of what had happened flashed before my eyes and I shot up frantically. As I sprinted into the main room, the Doctor and Rose walked into the TARDIS with a small figure in the Doctors arms. Rose ran over to me and gave me a small hug. The Doctor put the small boy onto the floor and started messing around with the controls. I walked up to the Doctor to see what he was doing. "Where are we going?" 

"It seems that I went to far back in time before and this is..." He trailed off as the TARDIS started beeping loudly. The Doctor ran around pressing buttons and pulling levers, trying to locate the issue that was causing such distress with the TARDIS. Rose went to the boy as everything shook violently. We were thrown around the room and I even ended back up in the hallway, My body still aching. 

Time jump

The Doctor finally got the TARDIS to stop shaking and we all stood up with the help of the railings. I looked at everyone, The Doctor was holding his wrist and was walking over to Rose who only had a few bruises on her arms. The boy was bleeding from his side and I held my shoulder. We all had to stifle back our groans of pain. I hurried over to the small boy and quickly tried to stop his bleeding. Rose and the Doctor walked up to us while leaning on each other. "What the HELL WAS THAT?!" I screamed, standing to glare right at the Doctor.

He sighed sadly then begun to explain, "The TARDIS doesn't like that we have a..." He stopped to think for a while "... That young boy is one of your friends. The TARDIS doesn't like that we have him on board because... because he's a massive threat to us at the moment." I looked at him like he had lost his mind.

"WHAT!? MY FRIEND!?" I yelled but then it clicked. "No. It cant be. NO!... He never told me. What!?" I looked at the boy and fell to my knees. I groaned as I had to use my bad hand to stop my self from face planting. Rose ran over to me and kneeled next to me and held me around my waist. The Doctor looked down at the floor, He moved his wrist to see it wasn't injured anymore. 

"What's wrong Spy?" Rose asked and placed her hand on my should in a comforting way. I held back the tears that threaten to fall down my face.

"I know him. I love him." I whispered and placed my head into my hands. The pain of Eliot was taking over the pain in my shoulder. Rose helped me stand back up and she started to walk me out of the room. Rose gave the Doctor a concerned look. 

Tears streamed down my face as I fell onto my bed. Rose sighed and seemed to think about what to say. "You can talk to us tomorrow." Then she left with a small smile. 

Roses POV

I left Spy and went back to the Doctor. He was fiddling with the controls and mumbling something about what he was going to do. "Did you know?" I asked and sat down.

"Mhm," He mumbled and gave me a quick look. 

"So first off you wanted to abandon her again and now the TARDIS has tried to kill us. Would you like to explain." He just shook his head. "It wasn't a question." I snapped back at him. 

He sighed then begun to explain, "I took us to the orphanage where I left Spy so many years ago but I miss judged the time period. I went back to far and he... That is Elliot. but for some reason, he has abilities he shouldn't have." 

"How?!" I asked and stood glaring at him.

"Well, I didn't mean to take us to the wrong year and..." He explained but I quickly interrupted him. 

"I mean How COULD YOU TAKE HER BACK! You knew she just wanted her father. How could you." I placed my head into my hands and groaned. 

"I didn't want her to get killed." He murmured and left the room while carrying Elliot. 

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