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Although Mark was freaked out by the setting of the escape room, he played it strong in front of sejeong. Surprisingly, Mark was good at finding clues and solving all sorts of puzzles. If it was not of him, they would have failed the tasks undoubtedly.

"Ooooo didn't expect you to be all smart as well~"

"Hey then you know nothing about me!" Mark teased.

"I mean, you're good at sports, music, and now you even have a big brain?? totally a package you know, no wonder girls were all crazy about you at school."

"Really? I don't normally pay attention to girls at school tho."

"Hey don't lie to me! If you weren't friends with those girls how could you be so smooth with your words, it seems like you've practiced a lot with those pick up lines!"

"Those were prepared for special ones only." He whispered small enough just to let sejeong catch those words.

Sejeong was a bit flustered, but at the same time, she could not react, On the one hand, she feels like she could trust Mark, and that she would be happy with him. On the other hand, what about guanlin? Her heart has just stepped forward once again to try to accept him. Certainly, with any choice she finally makes, she might be losing one of the most important people in her life, and that is the least thing that she would want to happen. At that very moment, she just chose to brush off all her thoughts that were lingering in her mind.

"Maybe we shall go to the coffee shop nearby?" she suggested.

Soon enough, they arrived at the cafe. The two just ordered their normal go-to and chilled for a bit. There were times when Mark would make jokes that made sejeong burst out laughing, and there were also times when they talked about things that worried them. Sejeong could really feel how reliable Mark is, and she feels like she should tell Mark what actually happened.

"So, remember that evening when a guy appeared in front of the cafe?That's my ex-boyfriend."

"Oh." was the only thing that escaped from his mouth after a few seconds which felt like forever to him. He could feel his heart sink for a bit.

For a whole minute, the room was all silent, and the atmosphere around them is getting a little awkward. Sejeong started to regret telling Mark about all these things all of a sudden, but she decided to go with the flow and told Mark about everything.

"He just left without telling me, and we broke up. But then he suddenly came back last month."

"So do you still like him?" This is the first time that sejeong hears Mark speaking so seriously.

"I don't know, Since he was back, he started acting all sweet and stuff again. I was conflicted. A part of me felt like I should not risk having another heart break, but sometimes I would think maybe everyone deserves to be forgiven?

"But forgiveness does not justify a second chance?"

To be frank, sejeong was not expecting an answer like this, not even something close. Even if she really likes guanlin, that could not mean she could bear another heartbreak. It would still be too much for her.

"Oh, maybe you're right. I guess I'll really have to think about it more." With this, sejeong just faked a smile while in fact, her heart was feeling even more confused than before after hearing what Mark have said. 


a/n please stay safe everyone!! we can pull this period through together!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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